
Primary LanguagePython



This repository contains all useful self-made modules for research purpose or just for fun.


This is a module for ploting diagram purporse. Now it supports generating the bar, line and pie chart.

How to use

To use this library, you should first put it under the same directory as the file you want to do the plot.

import plotlib as pl

API Reference

  • Generating the Bar Chart
@para	data			Dataset
@para	loc			Location of the image
@para	grplabel		Label for each group under the x-axis
@para	onavg			Whether generate the average group
@para	text			Whether annotate the value on each bar
@para	color			Color list for each bar
@para	legend			Legend Info
@para	title			Title
@para	xlabel			Xlabel on the x-axis
@para	ylabel			Ylabel on the y-axis

bar_plot(data, loc=None, grplabel=None, onavg=False, text=False, color=None, legend=None, title=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None)
  • Generating the Line Chart
@para	data			Dataset
@para	loc			Location of the image
@para	mark			Marker list shown on each point on line
@para	color			Color list for each bar
@para	legend			Legend Info
@para	title			Title
@para	xlabel			Xlabel on the x-axis
@para	ylabel			Ylabel on the y-axis

line_plot(data, loc=None, color=None, mark=None, legend=None, title=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None)
  • Generating the Pie Chart
@para	data			Dataset
@para	loc			Location of the image
@para	sangle			The start angle when drawing the pie chart
@para	text			Whether annotate the value on each bar
@para	color			Color list for each bar
@para	legend			Legend Info
@para	title			Title
@para	xlabel			Xlabel on the x-axis
@para	ylabel			Ylabel on the y-axis

pie_plot(data, loc=None, sangle=90.0, text=False, color=None, legend=None, title=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None)

In plotlib directory, we provide a simple example.py file to help you master this module. It can output simple chart for each type.