
Automatic Test Generator

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


build status LMU: Munich License codecov


AutoTestGen analyzes code segments and uses Large Language Models (OpenAI ChatCompletion endpoints) to autonomously generate unit tests. It was developed as part of the Practical Applications for Large Language Models seminar at LMU Munich under the guidance and supervision of Martin Binder.


Before you can use this application, make sure you have the following prerequisites installed on your system:

  1. Docker: Ensure that you have Docker installed. You can download and install Docker from Docker's official website.

  2. Docker Image containing Python 3.9+: This application requires any docker image containing Python version 3.9 or higher. It is required to provide an isolated environment to avoid executing potentially malicious code generated by the LLM on your local machine. If you don't have your custom image already, create one as follows:
    Use provided Dockerfile to build a custom image, which additionally installs coverage package used in the application for measuring python code coverage. You are free to add other packages which the project you want to test requires. To build the image, run the following command:

    docker build -t autotestgen:latest .


To get started with the application, follow these simple installation steps:

# Clone the repository
git clone git@github.com:LMU-Seminar-LLMs/AutoTestGen.git

# Change into the project directory
cd AutoTestGen

# Install the AutoTestGen app
pip install .

# Run the application via the command line


After starting the application Introductory Frame will be displayed.

Introductory Frame

  1. Select the language in which your code to be tested is written in.
  2. Enter the docker image name:tag to use.
  3. Select your project directory using Open Repository button.

After selecting the project directory, Main Frame will be displayed.

Main Frame

  1. Authenticate via the menu bar. See Authentication
  2. Choose the file for testing by double-clicking on it in the File Tree. See File Tree
  3. Select function/method to test in the Object Tree. See Object Tree
  4. Configure the test generation process. See Test Configuration
  5. Push the Generate Tests button to start the test generation process. See Test Generation
  6. Observe results in the Tests Tree. See Tests Tree


Authentication via the menu bar is required to use the OpenAI API. It opens the following window: Authentication Window

You have an option to authenticate manually using the entries or using .env file containing the API key. For more information about .env authentication, see the question mark in the right lower corner of the window.

File Tree

File Tree displays all the files having the selected language extension in the project directory. It additionally ignores all the files listed in the .gitignore file if it exists. You can select the file for testing by double-clicking on it. File Tree

Additional features:

  • Right-click menu:
    • Open - opens the file in the default editor. It can be used for quick fixes of the code before generating the tests.

Object Tree

Object Tree displays all the functions/methods in the selected file. Methods are displayed as children nodes of the class they belong to. You simply need to select desired object before clicking the Generate Tests button. Object Tree

Additional features:

  • Right-click menu:
    • Open Coverage - opens the coverage report accumulated over all avaliable tests in the database for the selected object.
  • double-click - lists all the tests in the database for the selected object in the Tests Tree.

Test Configuration

Test Configuration allows you to configure the test generation process.

  • You can select the desired model endpoint through the combobox next to the chat entry. The model can be changed at any time during the test generation process. Default: gpt-3.5-turbo.
  • Pipeline parameters are set in the settings window:
    • Params
    • temp - temperature parameter for the model. The higher the temperature, the more random the generated text. For higher n_samples, use higher temperature to ensure diversity in the generated samples. Default: 0.1
    • n_samples - number of samples to generate with the initial prompt. If it is larger than 1, the model will generate multiple samples which are evaluated separately and summarized in single new prompt which will generate the final single response. Default: 1
    • max_iter - maximum number of iterations to run the pipeline - automatically reprompt the model in case the generated tests cannot be compiled or contain errors. Default: 3

Test Generation

Both the prompts and the generated tests will be displayed in the Chat Window. you can continue communicating with the API through the Chat Entry as in normal chat. There is also an option to click Generate Tests button again for another object to perform few-shot learning.
All the messages in the chat window are sent together with the new message to the API until the chat is cleared. See Other Features
All succesfully generated tests will be saved in the database and can be viewed in the Tests Tree. See Tests Tree

Tests Tree

Tests Tree displays all the tests in the database for the selected object. You can open the tests in a separate window by double-clicking on them. You can make changes to the test there and save it to the database by clicking the Save Changes button. Tests Tree Additional features:

  • Load Test State Button - loads the test state from the database. It is useful when you want to continue working on the test after closing the application or after manually changing the test file. It can also be used to perform few-shot learning by loading the tests of the method of the same class before generating the tests for the other method.
  • Right-click menu:
    • Open Coverage - opens the coverage report for the selected test.
    • See Failures - opens the window with the list of failures for the selected test.
    • Save Test - saves the test locally as a python file.
    • Delete Test - deletes the test from the database.
  • double-click - opens the test in a separate window.

Other Features

Other Features

Technical Details

  • The application uses OpenAI ChatCompletion API to generate tests.
  • The application creates a sqlite database autotestgen.db in the selected project directory to store the generated tests and usage statistics. This is the only file created by the app on the local machine.
  • The application performs code analysis and communication with the API on the local machine. It uses docker to execute the generated tests and measure code coverage, returning summarized metadata in json format.
  • At startup, the application starts the container, mounts the selected project directory as a read-only volume and copies _run_tests_script.py file to the container.
  • On exit, the application closes the database, stops the container and removes it.