

Primary LanguagePython


Course: VE477
Name: Wang Hanyu
Student-id: 517370910174

Part.1 -- Problem Description

n warehouse with initial storage pi and increasement rate ai. Find the minimum number of trucks, which clear up the first s packages in the warehouses, that ensures all the warehouse has storage lower than capacity wi in t hours.


    n           # number of warehouse
    t           # number of hours in a day
    p1 a1 w1    # pi,ai,wi of warehouse
    pn an wn


    minimum      # the minimum trucks demand

Part.2 -- Implementation


This problem expect us to find the minimized trunk numbers to keep the storage under the limitation. As in the example given in Hint 1:

2 4 10
3 3 9
4 2 8
|  # hour  | Zizhu | Qingpu | Kunshan |
| :------: | :---: | :----: | :-----: |
|    0     |   2   |   3    |    4    |
| trunk #1 |   0   |   0    |    0    |
|    1     |   4   |   3    |    2    |
|    2     |   8   |   6    |    4    |
| trunk #2 |   0   |   4    |    4    |
|    3     |   4   |   7    |    6    |

Then we find that we send trunk to clean Kunshan when:

  • Kunshan is about to exceed the limit
  • Zizhu and Qingpu has too many parcels that cost to clean Kunshan gets too large

Thus we can conclude that Greedy algorithm can not save this problem because the previous decision will affect the priority of decision in the future.


The idea of my algorithm is applying depth first search with adequate pruning. I set the time to be the depth and branch if sending different amount of trucks:

| # hour |     0     |     1     |     2     |
| :----: | :-------: | :-------: | :-------: |
|        | 2,3,4 (0) | 6,6,6 (0) | 10,9,8(0) |
|        |           |           | 0,9,8 (1) |
|        |           |           | 0,0,7 (2) |
|        |           | 0,2,6 (1) | 4,5,8 (1) |
|        |           |           | 0,0,7 (2) |
|        |           | 0,0,0 (2) | 4,3,2 (2) |
|        |           |           | 0,0,0 (3) |
|        | 0,0,0 (1) | 4,3,2 (1) | 8,6,4 (1) |
|        |           |           | 0,4,4 (2) |
|        |           |           | 0,0,0 (3) |
|        |           | 0,0,0 (2) | 4,3,2 (2) |
|        |           |           | 0,0,0 (3) |

In the example above we set the depth to be 2. In this example we have already examine if the storage has already been reduce to 0 or has already exceed the limit. However, we still find some same elements in the table. Thus we apply memorization. Sum it up:

  • pruning when storage is lower than 0
  • pruning when storage is greater than wi
  • memorize the result with respect to storage

Then the worst case complexity is: O(t*w1*w2*...*wn), however, in most of the cases the complexity is lower than that because of the descretized value.


Then I will briefly prove the correctness of my implementation by listing some of my code. Since I am apply depth first search, which is an recursive method. I will divide my prove into two parts, the boundary condition and the transition between conditions.

Boundary Condition

We search from 0. Then when t = itinerary, we have reach the end, thus the principal here is to find the minimum number of trucks to reduce the storage to be under the capacity. Therefore we consistenly send truck until less than capacity:

    if time == self.itinerary:
        truck = 0
        while self.isValid() is not True:
            truck = truck + 1
        self.package = copy.deepcopy(package)
        return truck
Transition Equation

The basic idea is:

    Search(time) = min{Search(time+1) + <truck>}

Here we enumarate all the possible truck number and recursively find the result of Search(time+1), thus if it holds true in time+1, the best solution of this step is valid.

    while True:
        if self.isValid():
            ans = self.Search(time+1)
            choice.append(ans + truck)
        # prun if the all warehouse is empty
        if self.isEmpty():
        # recursively send truck
        truck = truck + 1
    # choose the best result
    self.memorize[key] = min(choice)
    return min(choice)


import copy

class challenge:
    def __init__ (self):
        self.itinerary = 0          # the itinerary is a constant 
        self.truck_capacity = 0     # the capacity of the truck
        self.warehouse = []         # the list of warehouse
        self.package_add = {}       # the number of packages added to the warehouse every hour
        self.package = {}           # the number of packages
        self.capacity = {}          # the capacity of warehouse
        self.memorize = {}          # memorize
        self.stack = []

    def AddWarehouse(self,warehouse,package,package_add,capacity):
        self.package[warehouse] = package
        self.package_add[warehouse] = package_add
        self.capacity[warehouse] = capacity

    def SetTime(self,itinerary):
        self.itinerary = itinerary

    def SetCapacity(self,capacity):
        self.truck_capacity = capacity

    def isValid(self):
        for warehouse in self.warehouse:
            if self.package[warehouse] > self.capacity[warehouse]:
                return False
        return True

    def isEmpty(self):
        for warehouse in self.warehouse:
            if self.package[warehouse] > 0:
                return False
        return True   

    def SendTruck(self):
        capacity = self.truck_capacity
        for warehouse in self.warehouse:
            if capacity <= self.package[warehouse]:
                self.package[warehouse] = self.package[warehouse] - capacity
            capacity = capacity - self.package[warehouse]
            self.package[warehouse] = 0

    def AddPackage(self):
        for warehouse in self.warehouse:
            self.package[warehouse] = self.package[warehouse] + self.package_add[warehouse]

    def SubPackage(self):
        for warehouse in self.warehouse:
            self.package[warehouse] = self.package[warehouse] - self.package_add[warehouse]

    # return the minimum trucks needed to survive 'time'
    def Search(self, time):
        package = copy.deepcopy(self.package)
        # finish searching
        if time == self.itinerary:
            truck = 0
            while self.isValid() is not True:
                truck = truck + 1
            self.package = copy.deepcopy(package)
            return truck
        # search in memorized hash table
        key = '.'.join([str(self.package[x]) for x in self.package]) + '.' + str(time)
        if key in self.memorize:
            return self.memorize[key]
        # search 'time + 1'
        truck = 0
        choice = []
        while True:
            # prun if the package distribution violate the limit
            if time > 0:
            if self.isValid():
                ans = self.Search(time+1)
                choice.append(ans + truck)
            if time > 0:      
            # prun if the all warehouse is empty
            if self.isEmpty():
            # recursively send truck
            truck = truck + 1
        self.package = copy.deepcopy(package)
        # choose the best result
        self.memorize[key] = min(choice)
        return min(choice)

    def Solve(self):
        # initialize the prefix sum
        ans = self.Search(0)
        print('result: ', str(ans))

problem = challenge()
problem.AddWarehouse('Zizhu Science Park',2,4,10)