

About The Project

This repository holds a set of scripts used to detect and characterize forest disturbances in Temagami, Ontario.

This project is an application of the CCDC algorithm in Google Earth Engine (GEE). See Zhu & Woodcock (2012), Zhu and Woodcock (2014) and Zhu et al. (2015) for more information about the CCDC algorithm. For the CCDC helper functions used in this script, see Arévalo et al (2020).




Arévalo, P., Bullock, E.L., Woodcock, C.E., Olofsson, P. (2020). A suite of tools for Continuous Land Change Monitoring in Google Earth Engine. Frontiers in Climate. https://doi.org/10.3389/fclim.2020.576740

Zhu, Z. and Woodcock, C. E., Continuous monitoring of forest disturbance using all available Landsat imagery, Remote Sensing of Environment (2012), doi:10.1016/j.rse.2011.10.030

Zhu, Z. and Woodcock, C. E., Continuous change detection and classification of land cover using all available Landsat data, Remote Sensing of Environment (2014), doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2014.01.011

Zhu, Z., Woodcock, C. E., Holden, C., and Yang, Z., Generating synthetic Landsat images based on all available Landsat data: Predicting Landsat surface reflectance at any given time, Remote Sensing of Environment (2015), doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2015.02.009


Nicholas Pontone - NicholasPontone@cmail.carleton.ca - @Npontone