
Python tool allowing easy book downloads from the terminal

Primary LanguagePython


Python tool allowing easy books downloads from the terminal

Update: as of 11/05/2022, the public version of z-library has been shut down.

Please see the new repo, anna-dl


  • Bypass z-library's randomly generated links to downloads
  • Obtain a specified number of results
  • View several pages of results
  • Retrieve metadata without having to go onto z-library itself


Clone the repository and install dependencies

git clone https://github.com/Nquxii/zlib-dl
cd zlib-dl
pip install -r requirements.txt

Open help section

python3 zldl --h

Ensure your config.json is set if you don't want to use several parameters each time.

Add zldl to path (so you don't need to cd into zlib-dl every time) Linux/MacOS:

ln -s ~[CURRENT DIR]/zldl ~/.local/bin/zldl


python3 zldl [path] --s [query] --n [number of results] --p [number of pages]

Number of results defaults to 5 of the top results available. Use 0 to see all search results on the page.

Number of pages is only necessary for larger searches (> 50 results) and is not recommended for usability purposes.

If a path in the command is specified, it will be used. Otherwise, the download_path in config.json will be used. If none of these options are available, the program will use assets/ as its download folder.


View 5 search results for "The Pragmatic Programmer". Download the resulting file in /home/johndoe/Documents/books

python3 zldl /home/johndoe/Documents/books --s "The Pragmatic Programmer"

View all search results on the first page for "Don Quixote". Download the resulting file in ./assets/ (assuming no set path in config.json)

python3 zldl --s "Don Quixote" --n 0

View 3 pages of all search results for "Deep Work". Download the resulting file in ./assets/ (assuming no set path in config.json)

python3 zldl --s "Deep Work" --n 0 --p 3