
A few bits testing out the Adafruit Circuit Playground Developer's Edition

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A few bits testing out the Adafruit Circuit Playground Developer's Edition

Probably taking several of the basic tutorial bits of code and adding or remixing bits of them. This isn't going to be original stuff. Just a bit of plalying around with things.

RANDOM COLORS Randomized colors for each of the 10 neopixels Randomized interval for the display of pixel changes Randomized brigh/dim value for the individual neopixels Example: https://youtu.be/FmEIuwqw41s

FLICKER FLAME Randomized colors for each of the 10 neopixels, but the range is limited. The color coices are limited to the red/orange range. Randomized interval for the display of pixel changes Randomized brigh/dim value for the individual neopixels, but it doesn't go all the way down to zero. Example: https://youtu.be/a-HDCh5Qw3U

MAGIC 8 BALL A randomized decision maker. It takes advantage of the neopixels and buzzer on teh Circuit Playground to rougly emulate a Migic 8 Ball toy. Example: https://youtu.be/mKqvI7j5CLE