Unity auto attach component via attributes

Forum Thread https://forum.unity.com/threads/auto-attach-components-via-attributes.928098/


Add this as a package to your project by adding the below as an entry to the dependencies in the /Packages/manifest.json file:

"nrjwolf.games.attachattributes": "https://github.com/Nrjwolf/unity-auto-attach-component-attributes.git"

For more information on adding git repositories as a package see the Git support on Package Manager in the Unity Documentation.

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 using Nrjwolf.Tools.AttachAttributes;

 [SerializeField] private Camera m_Camera;
 [SerializeField] private Image m_Image;
 [GetComponentInChildren(true)] // include inactive
 [SerializeField] private Button m_Button;

 [GetComponentInChildren("Buttons/Button1")] // Get the component from the children by path "Buttons/Button1" in hierarchy
 [SerializeField] private Button m_Button;
 [AddComponent] // Add component in editor and attach it to field
 [SerializeField] private SpringJoint2D m_SpringJoint2D;
 [GetComponentInParent] // Get component from parent
 [SerializeField] private Canvas m_Canvas;

Now all components will automatically attach when you select your gameobject in hierarchy

You can turn it on/off in component context menu or via Tools/Nrjwolf/AttachAttributes


This asset help you to auto attach components into your serialized fields in inpector. I started use it to avoid every time assign components in Awake/Start function.

So, you can ask why I need it? Well, maybe you use code like this and do not know, that this is bad for perfomance

private Transform m_CachedTransform
public Transform transform
    if (m_CachedTransform == null)
      m_CachedTransform = InternalGetTransform();
    return m_CachedTransform;

You can read about here: https://blogs.unity3d.com/ru/2014/05/16/custom-operator-should-we-keep-it/

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