
Introduction to DevOps, Web Application Concepts, and Amazon Web Services


Introduction to DevOps, Web Application Concepts, and Amazon Web Services

  • Web Applications
  • Infrastructure and App deployment
  • AWS - Cloud Computing and Web Services
  • Databases
  • BackendServices
  • Infrastructure Types
  • Dockers
  • Advance Docker Concepts
  • Containers
  • Microservices
  • Kubernetes
  • Cloud providers
  • CI/CD
  • Multi-cloud

  • DevOps
  • Design->Develop->Test->Deploy


  • Linear sequence.
  • No overlap


  • Sprint, Iteration, Short release cycle. 15 days or 1 month

  • Pay As You Go Model in Cloud Computing

  • Elastisity : Resource Utilization

  • Cost Efficient

  • It is set of tools,practices that decrease the cost, time and complexity of delivering s/w app by unifying both s/w development and infrastructure managment proceses.

  • It automate the process

  • Release, testing (unit,Integration,Stress test), security, scalability

Web Applications

  • Internet - Uses TCP/IP protocol
  • WWW - App built on Internet. URL/ URI and HTML
  • Client Server Architecture
  • Domain Resolution - Name of IP address
  • Load Balancing

Web App

  • Allow user interation
  • E comerce, Games, Online learning site Ex. Google/FB/Gmail/YouTube


  • Combination of Text/Image/Video and documents
  • Blog and News Sites, Wikipedia

Client Server Architecture

  • Client: Mobile, Browser, IOT devices

  • Server : Mail server, File Server

  • IP address and Ports

  • API to interact with Client and Server

  • Http Request


  • Protocol : http

  • Domain Name: google.com

  • Port : 80

  • Query Param : key1

Headers : Key-Pair
Body : Content
Status Code : 2xx/4xx/5xx

Web App Layers

  • Presentation : Client side app [Fornt End]

  • Ex. Angular JS/ React av Vue.js

  • With HTML, CSS and JS

  • Bussiness Logic : Server Side App

  • Ex. Node.js, Python, PHP, Java

  • DB Layer : Storage and persistence

  • Row and Column

  • PK and FK

  • Data Types

  • Relations

  • Tables and Collections

  • RDBMS : In Table formate

  • My SQL/ Mongo DB / Oracle / PostGreSQL

  • Document DB : In Json Formate Ex. Mongo DB, Amazon Document, Azure Cosmos DB

  • Graph DB : SQL DB that store data without schemas. Data store in Nodes and connected with relations called edges Ex. Arago DB,Neo4j DB

  • Normalization

Additional Components

  • In memory DB for caching
  • Message Bus for Async communication
  • CDN for serving and caching
  • Static content
  • Workflow management platform for organizing processes

Domain Resolution

Load Balancing

  • Act of distributing traffic across multiple replicas of a service
  • Performance/Scalability/Availability/Security
  • Algorithms : Round Robin, Least connection, Least Response Time, Least Bandwidth
  • Health Check : Protocol, Port, Path, Interval, Threashold Count

Web App Architecture

  • Monolithic : Modular approach

  • Ex. Catalog Module/Customer Module/Order Module/ Payment Module

  • Micro Services : Services approach

  • Ex. Catalog Service, Customer Service, Order Service, Payment Service

