This repo demonstrates Expo working in a Turbo Monorepo!

How to test and run

yarn workspace expo-app start

How did we get here?

Create Turbo Monorepo

Turbo init:

npx create-turbo@latest turbo-expo

Create Expo App

cd turbo-expo/apps

expo init expo-app

Choose the managed app with navigation

Expo automatically creates a .git folder, which we need to remove:

rm -rf expo-app/.git

Create RN UI lib

Modify packages/ui/Button.tsx to:

import { Button as RNButton } from "react-native";

export function Button({ onPress }: { onPress: () => void }) {
  return <RNButton title="Boop" onPress={onPress} />;

Set up Expo App

  1. paste the metro.config.js
  2. package.json main set to index.js
  3. paste the index.js

Use UI lib

Add "ui": "*" to dependencies of apps/expo-app/package.json. (Then I think it is necessary to run yarn in repo root)

In apps/expo-app/components/EditScreenInfo.tsx, add the button:

import { Button } from "ui";

        <Button onPress={() => {}} />

Fix hook error

React hook error: expo/expo#6287

Fixed by changing react to match minor version across all apps.

Expo App Runs

yarn workspace expo-app start

Issue with simulator refresh not working

not specific to this repo, but this trick fixes cmd-r refresh in the simulator:

Basically change the keyboard shortcut for screen recording

Add React-Native-Web as dep of Next Apps

Add to dependencies of apps/web/package.json and apps/docs/package.json:

  "react-native-web": "^0.17.5",

Copy RNW config to Next Apps

From here:

Set both next.config.js files to:

const withTM = require("next-transpile-modules")(["ui"]);

module.exports = withTM({
  reactStrictMode: true,
  webpack: (config) => {
    config.resolve.alias = {
      ...(config.resolve.alias || {}),
      // Transform all direct `react-native` imports to `react-native-web`
      "react-native$": "react-native-web",
    config.resolve.extensions = [
    return config;

Next Apps Run

Start either Next app by running:

yarn workspace web dev
yarn workspace docs dev