
A space shooter Game Created using scratch

Havard Cs50: Space shooter Game

This is a solution to the Havard CS50 Course Problem set 0 Using scratch.

Table of contents


The task from Havard Cs50 was to create a Game or Tell a story using several sprites and scripts using the scratch programming Language. this document provides a detailed explanation of the methodology and technologies used at different points; from inception to finalization of this project in order to achieve this end result.


Project Screenshot


My process

I started off by creating the basic structure of this game using Scratch, then I gradually added different sprites and wrote the logic to control these sprites as per the guidelines in the problem set description. I then created a repository for this project on github.

Built with

  • Scratch 3.0

What I learned

  • I learned about conditionals
  • Loops.
  • Events.
  • Arguments.

Continued development

I want to get better at programming by learning about the fundamentals of programming in the future.



I want to thank myself for sticking through this and finally finishing it. It is a testament to my will and determination to become a software developer. Thank you for taking these small baby steps.