Frontend Development

HTML Structure

The front end is organized into separate components for different pages, such as the home page, user dashboard, and admin dashboard. Styling with Tailwind CSS Tailwind CSS is employed for styling the components, utilizing its utility-first approach to build responsive designs rapidly.

JavaScript Interaction

Vanilla JavaScript or a lightweight framework like React (optional) adds interactivity to the application, including form submissions, dynamic content loading, and user notifications.

Database Schema

A PostgreSQL database schema is defined, encompassing tables for users, waste collection schedules, recycling trackers, waste collection services, and admin dashboard data.


Both unit tests for backend logic and manual testing of the front end for responsiveness and usability are conducted to ensure the application's reliability and performance.

Continuous Integration and Deployment

CI/CD Pipeline A CI/CD pipeline is set up using GitHub Actions to automate testing and deployment processes, ensuring that changes are tested automatically and deployed efficiently.


Depending on the project's requirements, the backend is deployed on a cloud provider like Heroku or AWS. The front end, if built with React or another SPA framework, can be deployed separately using platforms like Netlify or Vercel.