
This is a fork of Bacnet. This implementation includes an MQTT client sub-system that can used by the Bacnet Server to publish an MQTT message to an MQTT broker for the following conditions:

  1. A write/set operation is performed on the server's object properties.
  2. An new event is triggered or state changes.

Running BACnet Server

Configure config on location: <g>/config/<s>

Start Command:

g=<path for global_directory> s=config.yml ./app

For example:

g=/data/bacnet-server-c s=config.yml ./app 

on your pc

g=/home/user/code/bacnet s=config.yml ./app-amd64 

Updating BACnet Object Property Values Via MQTT

The values of the following object properties can be updated via MQTT publish command:

  1. Object Name (name) - applies to analog input (ai), analog output (ao), analog value (av), binary input (bi), binary output (bo) and binary value (bv) objects
  2. Present Value (pv) - applies to analog input (ai), analog output (ao), analog value (av), binary input (bi), binary output (bo) and binary value (bv) objects
  3. Priority Array (pri) - applies to analog output (ao), analog value (av), binary output (bo) and binary value (bv) objects

The value of the publish message must be in JSON using the following format:

{"value" : "value here", "uuid" : "uuid here"}

Object Name topic format:


Write "ao_name1" into analog object (ao) name at instance (address) 1

topic: bacnet/ao/1/write/name
json payload: {"value" : "ao_name1", "uuid" : "123456"}

Present Value topic format:


Write 10.50 to into analog object (ao) present value at instance (address) 1

topic: bacnet/ao/1/write/pv
json payload: {"value" : "10.50", "uuid" : "123456"}

Priority Array topic formats:


Write 50.20 into analog object (ao) at instance (address) 1 at priority index 10

topic: bacnet/ao/1/write/pri/10
json payload: {"value" : "10.50", "uuid" : "123456"}

Write 99.99 into analog object (ao) at instance (address) 1 to all priority slots

topic: bacnet/ao/1/write/pri/16/all
json payload: {"value" : "99.99", "uuid" : "123456"}

Reset priority slots #10 of analog object (ao) at instance (address) 1. Reset applies only to analog ouput, analog value, binary output and binary value objects.

topic: bacnet/ao/1/write/pri/10
json payload: {"value" : "null", "uuid" : "123456"}

Reset all priority slots of analog object (ao) at instance (address) 1

topic: bacnet/ao/1/write/pri/16/all
json payload: {"value" : "null", "uuid" : "123456"}

MQTT Library

The MQTT C libary is the Eclipse Paho C Client Library for MQTT protocol. The source can be downloaded from Please follow the install instructions to install the library.

Integrating the MQTT Client Library

In the server Makefile, change or include the following.

MQTT_SRC = mqtt_client.c
OBJS += ${SRC:.c=.o} ${MQTT_SRC:.c=.o}

MQTT_CFLAGS = -DMQTT -DMQTT_PUBLISH -I/usr/local/include -I${BACNET_SRC_DIR}/../apps/server
MQTT_LFLAGS = -L/usr/local/lib -lpaho-mqtt3c
       ${CC} ${PFLAGS} ${OBJS} ${LFLAGS} ${MQTT_LFLAGS} -o $@
       ${CC} -c ${CFLAGS} ${MQTT_CFLAGS} $*.c -o $@

MQTT Client Sub-System

The source files are currently under the Bacnet server module (app/server). Include mqtt_client.h to use the MQTT client sub-system.

#if defined(MQTT)
#include "mqtt_client.h"
#endif /* defined(MQTT) */

To initialize the MQTT client sub-system, call mqtt_client_init().

#if defined(MQTT)
#endif /* defined(MQTT) */

To shutdown/clean-up the MQTT client sub-system, call mqtt_client_shutdown().

#if defined(MQTT)
#endif /* defined(MQTT) */

To publish an MQTT message, call mqtt_publish_topic() with the pre-defined topic ID (see topic and object/property-name mapping section) and value (either a C-string or a Bacnet string).

#if defined(MQTT)
                      MQTT_TOPIC_VALUE_BACNET_STRING, &value.type.Character_String);
#endif /* defined(MQTT) */

Topic and Object/Property-Name Mapping

Topic and Object/Property-Name mappings are pre-defined. Each topic has an ID and defined in apps/server/mqtt_client.h.

#define DEVICE_OBJECT_NAME_TOPIC_ID            0
#define TOPIC_ID_MAX                           2

The textual names of the Object/Property-Name and their Topic ID mappings are defined in apps/server/mqtt_client.c.

/* topic and object/property mappings */
static topic_mapping_t topic_mappings[] = {
    "device_object_name" },
    "binary_output_object_name" },

New ones much be added before the mapping with the topic ID TOPIC_ID_MAX.

Topic Format

The format of the MQTT topic published to MQTT broker is /<device_id>/object-property-name. For example the topic of an MQTT publish message sent when updating the Bacnet device name of a Bacnet server with a device ID 1234 would be:


The topic for Bacnet Binary Output Propery Name would be:


MQTT Broker IP/Port

The default MQTT broker IP and port is and 1883 respectively. To set the MQTT broker IP to a different IP, set the IP in the environment variable DEFAULT_MQTT_BROKER_IP. To set the MQTT broker port number to a different port, set the port in the environment variable MQTT_BROKER_PORT.

For example:

MQTT_BROKER_IP= MQTT_BROKER_PORT=11883 ./bin/bacserv

Compiling The Bacnet Server

Compile and build the bacnet server on your local development machine. Tested on Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS.

sudo apt install build-essential net-tools git libssl-dev cmake -y
mkdir bacnet && cd bacnet
git clone paho.mqtt.c
cd paho.mqtt.c && cmake -DPAHO_BUILD_STATIC=TRUE && sudo make install
cd .. && git clone json-c
cd json-c && mkdir -p json-c-build && cmake ../json-c && make && sudo make install
sudo apt-get install libyaml-dev -y
cd .. && git clone
cd libcyaml && sudo make install VARIANT=release
find / -name libyaml.a -print -exec cp -fR {} /usr/lib \;
cd .. && git clone
cd bacnet-server-c/bacnet-stack && make clean all

Running The Bacnet Server (bacserv)

The bacnet server binary file is at bacnet-stack/bin/bacserv. You need to specify the configuration file and folder to run the server using the "g" and "s" ENV variables like below.

g=/data/bacnet-server-driver s=config.yml ./bin/bacserv

Sample Get/Set Commands

Get and set the device propery name. The client and server are on the same machine here. If the client is on a different machine, you can omit the "mac" option.

Get the device object property name.

./bin/bacrp 1234 8 1234 77 --mac

To change the device object property name to "My Simple Server".

./bin/bacwp 1234 8 1234 77 0 -1 7 "My Simple Server" D
WriteProperty Acknowledged!

Confirm the change was made.

./bin/bacrp 1234 8 1234 77 --mac
"My Simple Server"

Get and set the binary output object propery name. Get the binary output object propery name.

./bin/bacrp 1234 4 1 77 --mac

To change the binary output object property name to "MY BINARY OUTPUT".

./bin/bacwp 1234 4 1 77 0 -1 7 "MY BINARY OUTPUT" D
WriteProperty Acknowledged!

Confirm the change was made.

./bin/bacrp 1234 4 1 77 --mac

Testing the MQTT Publish/Subscribe Message

You can use any MQTT protocol compliant client. I used the mqtt-cli. To subscribe to changes to the device object and binary output object property name of the bacnet instance with device ID 1234.

mqtt sub -h <mqtt broker ip address> -t "/1234/binary_output_object_name" -t "/1234/device_object_name" -T

The client will receive a publish message when a change is made to the device object and binary output object propery name with the new value in the message.

mqtt sub -h <mqtt broker ip address> -t "/1234/binary_output_object_name" -t "/1234/device_object_name" -T

/1234/device_object_name: My Simple Server
/1234/binary_output_object_name: MY BINARY OUTPUT