
Go module to get linux system stats.

taken from

Provides following information on systems:

  • System
    • Returns OS, Hostname, Kernel, Up time, last boot date, timezone, logged in users list
  • CPU
    • CPU model, freq, load average (overall, per core), etc
  • Memory/SWAP
  • Disks
    • File system, type, mount point, usage, inodes
  • Networks
    • Interface, IP, Rx/Tx
  • Service status
    • Returns if given service is active or not
  • Processes
    • Returns list of processes sorted by CPU/Memory usage (with PID, exec path, user, usage)


Import the module

func main() {
    syStats := systats.New()

And use the methods to get the required and supported system stats.


Returns OS, Hostname, Kernel, Up time, last boot date, timezone, logged in users list

func main() {
	syStats := systats.New()
	system, err := systats.GetSystem()


CPU info and load avg info (overall, and per core)

func main() {
	syStats := systats.New()
	cpu, err := systats.GetCPU()


func main() {
	syStats := systats.New()
	memory, err := systats.GetMemory(systats.Megabyte)


func main() {
	syStats := systats.New()
	swap, err := systats.GetSwap(systats.Megabyte)


func main() {
	syStats := systats.New()
	disks, err := syStats.GetDisks()


Interface info and usage info

func main() {
	syStats := systats.New()
	networks, err := syStats.GetNetworks()

Service status

Returns if service is running or not

func main() {
	syStats := systats.New()
	running := syStats.IsServiceRunning(service)
	if !running {
		fmt.Println(service + " not running")

Running processes

Returns running processes sorted by CPU or memory usage

func main() {
	syStats := systats.New()
	procs, err := syStats.GetTopProcesses(10, "cpu")
	procs, err := syStats.GetTopProcesses(10, "memory")