Rubix BACnet Master

Running in development

  • Use poetry to manage dependencies

  • Simple script to install

  • Join venv

    poetry shell
  • Build local binary

    poetry run pyinstaller -n rubix-bacnet-master --clean --onefile --add-data pyproject.toml:. --add-data config:config

    The output is: dist/rubix-bacnet-master

Docker build



The output image is: rubix-bacnet-master:dev


docker volume create rubix-bacnet-data
docker run --rm -it -p 1718:1718 -v rubix-bacnet-data:/data --name rubix-bacnet rubix-bacnet:dev

Deploy on Production

  • Download release artifact
  • Review help and start
$ rubix-bacnet-master -h
Usage: rubix-bacnet-master [OPTIONS]

  -p, --port INTEGER       Port  [default: 1718]
  -g, --global-dir PATH    Global dir
  -d, --data-dir PATH      Application data dir
  -c, --config-dir PATH    Application config dir
  -i, --identifier TEXT    Identifier  [default: bacnet]
  --prod                   Production mode
  -s, --setting-file TEXT  Rubix BACnet: setting json file
  -l, --logging-conf TEXT  Rubix BACnet: logging config file
  --workers INTEGER        Gunicorn: The number of worker processes for handling requests.
  --gunicorn-config TEXT   Gunicorn: config file(
  -h, --help               Show this message and exit.