
Mirror VPN client

Mirror VPN client

Nube-iO VPN client CLI for popular Linux distro and architecture. That support

  • Auto setup and register VPN service on *Unix system
  • Auto connect and lease VPN private IP
  • Auto manage private DNS from VPN network


Download the latest version in vpnc/releases.

  • nubeio-vpnc.armv7.zip for IoT device: RaspberryPi, BeagleBone, etc...
  • nubeio-vpnc.amd64.zip for user computer: support Ubuntu 18/20, Debian 8/9/10

dnsmasq is used as local DNS caching to resolve DNS from private VPN network. Currently, dnsmasq can be setup and auto download when installing vpnclient (only support Ubuntu/Debian/Raspibian/Fedora/CentOS in this time, if you are using another Linux distro, please install dnsmasq manually)


For convenient, setup download tool ghrd to quick download artifact by version on github.

This is setup script for Ubuntu/Debian distro

export GHRDVER=1.1.2 && sudo curl -L https://github.com/zero88/gh-release-downloader/releases/download/v$GHRDVER/ghrd -o /usr/local/bin/ghrd \
  && sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/ghrd \
  && sudo ln -sf /usr/local/bin/ghrd /usr/bin/ghrd \
  && sudo apt install jq -y \
  && unset GHRDVER

Download and setup VPN client

This is a script that using ghrd. You need to know VPN version and target system (to identify architecture edition) then subtitle to VPNCVER and VPNCARCH in a below script.

For example: VPNCVER=v0.9.1 and VPNCARCH=armv7 (currently, one of armv7 and amd64)

export VPNCVER=v0.9.1 && export VPNARCH=armv7 \
   && ghrd -a ".*$VPNARCH.*" -x -r $VPNCVER -o /tmp nubeio/vpnc \
   && sudo mkdir -p /app \
   && sudo unzip -o -d /app /tmp/nubeio-vpnc*.zip \
   && sudo ln -sf /app/nubeio-vpnc /usr/local/bin/nubeio-vpnc \
   && unset VPNCVER && unset VPNARCH


$ nubeio-vpnc version
INFO : VPN version : v4.29-9680-rtm
INFO : CLI version : 0.9.1
INFO : Hash version: 2465e648


  • nubeio-vpnc -h for more information

    $ nubeio-vpnc -h
    Usage: nubeio-vpnc [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
      CLI tool to install VPN Client and setup VPN connection
      -h, --help  Show this message and exit.
      about        Show VPN software info
      add          Add new VPN Account
      connect      Connect to VPN connection by given VPN account
      delete       Delete one or many VPN account
      detail       Get detail VPN configuration and status by one or many accounts
      disconnect   Disconnect VPN connection
      install      Install VPN client and setup *nix service
      list         Get all VPN Accounts
      log          Get VPN log
      set-default  Set VPN default connection in startup by given VPN account
      status       Get current VPN status
      trust        Trust VPN Server cert
      uninstall    Stop and disable VPN client and *nix service
      upgrade      Upgrade VPN client
      version      VPN Version
  • To interact with any command, please use nubeio-vpnc <command> -h to see help documentation. For example:

    nubeio-vpnc install -h
    Usage: nubeio-vpnc install [OPTIONS]
      Install VPN client and setup *nix service
      --auto-startup            Enable auto-startup VPN service  [default: False]
      --auto-dnsmasq            Give a try to install dnsmasq  [default: False]
      --dnsmasq / --no-dnsmasq  By default, dnsmasq is used as local DNS cache. Disabled it if using default System DNS
                                resolver  [default: True]
      -dd, --vpn-dir TEXT       VPN installation directory  [default: ("/app/vpnclient" or from "env.VPN_HOME")]
      -dn, --service-name TEXT  VPN Service name  [default: nubeio-vpn]
      -ds, --service-dir TEXT   Linux Service directory
      -f, --force               If force is enabled, VPN service will be removed then reinstall without backup  [default:
      -v, --verbose             Enables verbose mode
      -h, --help                Show this message and exit.
  • To connect VPN server, you must provide

    • VPN Host HTTPS VPN server.
    • VPN Port Default is 443.
    • VPN Hub It is multi-tenant option, normally it is customer code.
    • Authentication A login credential to appropriate VPN host and VPN Hub. Credential type can be password or cert
  • After connect VPN connection (See #VPN workflow), VPN client will be registered as linux service, then you can manage it as normal linux service with some basic linux commands

    sudo systemctl status nubeio-vpn  # service status
    sudo systemctl restart nubeio-vpn # restart service
    sudo journctl -u nubeio-vpn

VPN workflow

  1. Normal workflow
# Setup VPN client service
$ nubeio-vpnc install # pass "--auto-dnsmasq" to try installing `dnsmasq` internally

# Add VPN account then open VPN session and start VPN service
$ nubeio-vpnc add <option for VPN connection> # use "-h" for more detail

# Show VPN status
$ nubeio-vpnc status

# Disconnect VPN connection and stop VPN service
$ nubeio-vpnc disconnect # pass "--disable" to not start VPN service when startup computer
  1. For upgrade to new version, download latest version as instruction, then use:
$ nubeio-vpnc upgrade

Note It is hot reload regardless current state is in VPN session or not. Don't stop a script manually by <Ctrl + C> if don't want to break a network connection.

  1. Uninstall VPN service, use:
# pass "-f" to remove completely vpnclient installation and data folder
# it still keep "dnsmasq" to resolve DNS for public domain. 
# if want to restore computer network to origin state, pass "--no-keep-dnsmasq"
$ nubeio-vpnc uninstall

IoT device

  • Must use Client Certificate Authentication

  • Need VPN user, VPN user certificated file, VPN user private key file

  • 2 steps for quick install and setup:

    # Install VPN client and setup Linux service
    $ sudo nubeio-vpnc install
    # Add and connect to VPN account
    $ sudo nubeio-vpnc add -sh <vpn_server> -su <hub_name> -cd -ct cert -cu <vpn_user> -cck <user_cert> -cpk <user_privkey>
  • After that, please verify by commands:

    $ sudo nubeio-vpnc status
    INFO : VPN Application   : Installed - /app/vpnclient
    INFO : VPN Service       : nubeio-vpn - active(running) - PID[4511]
    INFO : VPN Account       : cba - Connection Completed (Session Established)
    INFO : VPN IP address    : [{'addr': '', 'netmask': '', 'broadcast': ''}]

User computer

  • Use Client Password Authentication

  • Need VPN user, VPN password, VPN Customer hub (a.k.a customer code, per hub per customer)

  • If you manage cross VPN customer, then it's ideally to provide VPN account (VPN connection name) that equals to VPN customer code

    $ sudo nubeio-vpnc install
    # You can check log
    $ sudo nubeio-vpnc log -f
    # You can check status
    $ sudo nubeio-vpnc status
    # Put your password in `single quotes` 'your-password'
    $ sudo nubeio-vpnc add -sh <vpn_server> -su <customer_code_1> -ct password -cu <vpn_user> -cp <vpn_password>
    # You can add other VPN accounts
    # pass '-cd' option is make VPN client account is default for startup computer
    $ sudo nubeio-vpnc add -sh <vpn_server> -su <customer_code_n> -ct password -cu <vpn_user> -cp <vpn_password> -cd
    # Then you can switch among account by
    $ sudo nubeio-vpnc connect <customer_code_n>
    # To uninstall vpn service
    $ sudo nubeio-vpnc uninstall