Install requirements:

  • Git
  • NodeJS 10.x.x (serialport is build on node:10.x.x, we can re npm install serialport if you don't have node:10.x.x)

How to install:

Scripts for full setup start | disable | enable | delete

Main Install (RPi)

  • bash script.bash start -u=pi -hp=/home/pi (optional parameters: -l, -ug)


  • bash script.bash start -u=pi -hp=/home/pi -l=false --logging false
  • bash script.bash disable -u=pi
  • bash script.bash enable -u=pi
  • bash script.bash delete -u=pi
  • bash script.bash -h (for help)

Here, pi is user and /home/pi is home_path for PM2 file creation.

Environmental variables customization

  • cp .env.example ${dataDir}/.env (by default: dataDir = /data/rubix-wires/ is for production and dataDir = ~/db/ is for local)
  • Edit .env file's variable as we want

Note: If .env exist on both location, project directory .env gets first priority and then data directory .env

Update Environmental variable

  • update .env file
  • npm run updateEnv:prod
  • systemctl restart nubeio-rubix-wires OR reboot


  • update .env file
  • bash script.bash start -u=pi -hp=/home/pi (more details on below)

How to run for develop (watch mode):

  • npm run watch

Run on x86 bit of machine (BBB, RaspberryPi)


  • node:10.x.x (serialport is build on node:10.x.x, we can re npm install serialport if you don't have node:10.x.x)
  • npm


  • Currently we have RaspberryPi machine with pi user, home/pi home_path &
  • BBB machine with debian user, home/debian path

We need the user for running commands.

Create snapshot

  • npm install
  • npm run build --prod --target=x86 (Create production .zip file for the deployment)

Transfer snapshot

  • Transfer .zip file to edge device

Scripts for start | disable | enable | remove

  • bash script.bash start -u=pi -hp=/home/pi (optional parameters: -l, -ug, -ilr)
  • bash script.bash start -u=pi -hp=/home/pi -l=false --for logging false
  • bash script.bash disable
  • bash script.bash enable
  • bash script.bash remove -u=pi
  • bash script.bash -h

Here, pi is user and /home/pi is home_path for PM2 file creation.

Individual run script

  • npm run start:prod
  • npm run stop:prod
  • npm run delete:prod
  • npm run status:prod
  • npm run save:prod (It will save the info of the project for the PM2)
  • sudo npm run startup:prod -- -u pi --hp /home/pi --service-name nubeio-rubix-wires (create Linux Service file, here pi is the user, and make sure you hit sudo at prefix)
  • sudo systemctl enable nubeio-rubix-wires.service
  • sudo npm run unstartup:prod -- -u pi --service-name nubeio-rubix-wires (remove that Linux Service created from above command)

Change Environmental variables:

  • We can have our own custom environment by editing .env file as in above
  • PORT=1415 DATA_DIR=./db SECRET_KEY=**SECRET_KEY** npm run start:prod (we can also pass run time environment, not recommended)

Linux service

  • sudo systemctl start nubeio-rubix-wires.service
  • sudo systemctl stop nubeio-rubix-wires.service
  • sudo systemctl restart nubeio-rubix-wires.service

Viewing Wires Logs

To monitor the logs of a program running via Linux Service. Use following commands:

cd rubix-wires/node_modules/pm2/bin
./pm2 logs 0  #for last 15 lines
./pm2 logs 0 --lines 1000 #for last 1000 lines
./pm2 logs 0 --err #only error
./pm2 logs 0 --out #only shows standard output
./pm2 logs 0 --highlight mqtt #grep mqtt log

The actual log file location


debian@beaglebone:~/.pm2/logs$ ls -la -h
total 8.1M
drwxr-xr-x 2 debian debian 4.0K Jul  3 15:41 .
drwxr-xr-x 5 debian debian 4.0K Jul 14 18:26 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 debian debian  26K Jul 20 18:18 app-error.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 debian debian 8.1M Jul 30 09:56 app-out.log

  • For monitoring logs: journalctl -f -u <service-name>
  • Displaying logs from starting on one page with scroll: journalctl -u <service-name>
  • Displaying all logs: journalctl -u <service-name> --no-pager
  • Displaying logs of last page: journalctl -u <service-name> --pager-end

Disable logging

npm run start:prod -o "/dev/null" -e "/dev/null"