GitHub Action - Nitro Runner for Android

A GitHub Action for running React Native builds for Android using Nitro.


A Gihub Action for building React Native apps with Nitro


parameter description required default
root-directory The directory within your project, in which your code is located. Leave this field empty if your code is not located in a subdirectory" false .
flavor The product flavor for Gradle build variant false
version-name The version name for the app false
version-code The version code for the app false
disable-version-name-from-package-json Disable automatic version name configuration. By default will get the 'version' field from package.json and set the version name. Available Options: (yes / no) false
disable-version-code-auto-generation Disable automatic version code generation. By default will generate a timestamp based number and set the version code. Available Options: (yes / no) false
keystore-url Keystore url false
keystore-password Keystore password false
keystore-key-alias Keystore alias false
keystore-key-password Keystore key password false
cache-provider Cache provider where cache artifacts will be persisted. Available Options: (fs: File system / github: Uses Github cache action / s3: Amazon - Simple Storage Service) false s3
disable-cache When setting this option to yes build cache optimizations won't be performed. Available Options: (yes / no) false
cache-env-var-lookup-keys List of env var keys for lookup to determine cache fingerprint. A list of | separated values with env variable keys to lookup to determine whether the build should be cached or not false
cache-file-lookup-paths List of files for lookup to determine cache fingerprint. A list of | separated value paths (relative to the root of the repo or absolute) to lookup in order to determine whether the build should be cached or not false
disable-metro-cache Setting this field to yes will disable the React Native Metro cache feature false
pre-install-command Run command prior to install project dependencies (e.g. rm -rf ./some-folder) false
pre-build-command Run command prior to start building the app (e.g. yarn tsc && yarn test) false
post-build-command Run command once build successfully finished (e.g. yarn publish) false
output-directory The path to the directory where to place all of Nitro's output files false
entry-file The entry file for bundle generation false
detox-configuration Select a device configuration from your defined configurations false
debug Enable verbose logs. Available Options: (yes / no) false
fail-safe Runing the app in this mode allows you to prevent the build to fail but you can check the status in further steps false


parameter description
nitro-build-status The status of the latest build (success / failure)
nitro-output-dir The path to the directory where to place all of Nitro's output files
nitro-logs-path The full path to access the build log
nitro-summary-path The full path to access the build summary report
nitro-app-path The full path to access the Android package (.apk)


This action is a composite action.