Extend Sinon stubs for Mongoose methods to test chained methods easily
- 0
- 3
- 1
Cannot chain existing mongoose query object
#67 opened by newmanw - 14
Not compatible with Sinon 8.x
#58 opened by YasharF - 0 outdated
#55 opened by RuudVerhoef - 5
Upgrade of mongoose to +5.5.x
#48 opened by YasharF - 4
- 3
Removal of unmaintained dependencies
#47 opened by YasharF - 5
- 2
Failing tests
#45 opened by mauron85 - 2
- 10
Is it possible to test middleware
#22 opened by newmanw - 5
sinon 5 release - peer dependency warn
#34 opened by YasharF - 1
Remove dependency on gulp-nsp
#36 opened by YasharF - 2
- 2
Remove dependency on gulp-util due to deprecation
#37 opened by YasharF - 2
Chain fn does not work properly
#32 opened by sunil-srma - 2
- 1
Update sinon peer dependency?
#30 opened by joebowbeer - 1
- 5
Doesn't support .stub()
#5 opened by antony - 2
.expects(...).chain is not a function
#27 opened by artworkad - 2
How to mock virtuals
#26 opened by yereby - 2
Create after findOne
#23 opened by juniordesenv-zz - 3
How to verify that some functions are not called
#20 opened by jniemin - 6
v2.0 and sandbox.restore
#18 opened by ogdabou - 9
Support for sinon sandboxes
#15 opened by jniemin - 1
Pusblish upgrade to sinon@2 to npm
#17 opened by alQlagin - 4
Is it possible to mock a .save() call?
#14 opened by felipecao - 3
- 1
- 6
- 5
Mock model constructor
#10 opened by FiddlinBill - 11
Does not work with models with schema?
#7 opened by jishi - 8
Promise callback never invoked
#9 opened by daphid4 - 2
aggregate chain fail
#8 opened by stableShip - 3
How to chain query helpers
#6 opened by ms007 - 3
ExpectationError: Unexpected call
#4 opened by soupman99 - 2
- 1
populate support
#2 opened by newmanw - 6
count() and lean() support
#1 opened by AoDev