
📜 A set of Go utility tools for writing SQL quickly.

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📜 QuickSQL

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A set of Go utility tools for writing SQL quickly.

⚡️ Basic Usage

Escape values to be inserted into a query

escaped = quicksql.Quote(nil) // NULL

escaped = quicksql.Quote([]byte("binary-data")) // 0x62696e6172792d64617461

escaped = quicksql.Quote(`string" AND 1='1' -- a`) // "string\" AND 1=\'1\' -- a"

escaped = quicksql.Quote(123) // 123

Create insert statements with specified columns

ins := quicksql.NewInsert(writer, "table_name", "id", "name")
ins.Add(1, "QuickSQL")
ins.Add(2, "Hello, World!")

// INSERT INTO `table_name` (`id`, `name`) VALUES
//     (1, "QuickSQL"),
//     (2, "Hello, World!");

Create insert statements with columns from struct

type demo struct {
    ID   int
    Name string
    Data []byte

ins := quicksql.NewInsert(writer, "demo", demo{})
    ID:   1,
    Name: "QuickSQL",
    Data: "Hello, World!",
    ID:   2,
    Name: "Another Row",
    Data: "Hello, World!",

// INSERT INTO `demo` (`id`, `name`, `data`) VALUES
//     (1, "QuickSQL", 0x48656c6c6f2c20576f726c6421),
//     (2, "Another Row", 0x48656c6c6f2c20576f726c6421);

Split every n rows

ins := quicksql.NewInsert(writer, "split", "number").Every(2)

for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {


// INSERT INTO `split` (`number`) VALUES
// 	(0),
// 	(1);
// INSERT INTO `split` (`number`) VALUES
// 	(2),
// 	(3);
// ...