
A DNS server for docker-based development environments

Primary LanguageJavaScript


SeaDNS is a lightweight service which makes using a development-environment TLD extremely easy, on all platforms. It does this by providing a DNS server which resolves domains using the names of running docker containers.

Generally you want to run SeaDNS as a docker container itself, and then set your /etc/resolv.conf or add an entry to /etc/resolvers/*.

Getting Started

On OSX (w/ docker-machine/boot2docker VM)

  1. Pull the image: docker pull seadns

  2. Start the server: docker run -d seadns serve

  3. Set your DNS: docker run seadns nameserver -f osx > /etc/resolvers/sea

  4. echo "nameserver $(docker inspect -f "{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}.53" seadns)" > /etc/resolvers/sea

On Linux (w/ local docker) or Windows (w/ docker-machine/boot2docker VM)

The seadns:masq image provides a proxy to seadns

  1. Pull the image: docker pull seadns

  2. Start the server: docker run -d seadns serve --recurse

  3. Set your nameserver to the output of docker run seadns nameserver -f generic

  4. Set your nameserver to the output of docker inspect -f "{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}:53" seadns

With a remote docker-machine

Follow Step 1 above for your platform, then use the following for step 2 & 3:


  1. docker run -d -p 53:53 seadns seadns
  2. echo "nameserver $(docker-machine ip $DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME).$(docker port seadns 53 | grep -o ":[0-9]\+$" | cut -d: -f2)\n" > /etc/resolvers/sea


  1. docker run -d -p 53:53 seadns:masq seadns
  2. ``

How it works

SeaDNS exposes three services which work in tandem: a DNS server for responding to .sea queries and reverse proxy servers for HTTP and HTTPS which read the Host header and route the request to a docker container based on that.