
Not express.js: An easier to use starting module for serving web content

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Not express.js: An easier to use starting module for serving web content

Many nodejs projects and tutorials rely on the express.js library.

Personally, I have found the documentation and tutorials written for express.js to be lacking. nexpress.js is a simple, straightforward way to get a functional website up without having to read up on how everything fits together. It also frees up the user to focus on how their site works.

Recent Updates

  • 02/04/2015: Added easier sessions (json), better authentication, and markup tags for grabbing session data onto the webpage
  • 01/29/2015: Added jsdoc generation on postinstall, added in code documentation
  • 01/28/2015: Created simple session and authentication modules to be used in this module
  • 01/27/2015: Added Post requests FROM nodejs apps to other sites
  • 01/26/2015: Added built-in POST functionality that displays a webpage. Supply your own methods upon a POST for more functionality.
  • 01/23/2015: Added SSI
  • 01/22/2015: Moved get and post to their own modules, added testing suite and most functionality added back in. (ssi todo)
  • 01/21/2015: Reduced reliance on options, allowing more async performance
  • 01/14/2015: Added template functionality (similar to SSI) to enable pages compiled from multiple sources. Use template keys as routes.

Example Options and Instantiation

var nexus = require('./nexpress/nexpress.js');
var http = nexus.http();

http.staticDir(".public/", "/public");
http.staticDir("./static/", "/static");

nexus.get.route("/", "./public/index.html");
nexus.get.route("/404", "./errors/404.html");
nexus.post.route("/login", nexus.post.page("./auth/welcome.html"));

// nexus.post.page is a method that takes a file and writes it upon POSTing to that route.
// Many different method calls can be made via POST routes.

http.listen(3000); // Defaults to 8080

Optional Instantiation of nexpress:


"dependencies": {
    "nexpress": "NucleaPeon/nexpress"

(starting .js file)

var nexus = require('nexpress');


SSI is the ability to compile multiple pieces of html code into one file. It is not specific to the web server, it's a compilation that can occur at any time.

Nexpress enables the ssi() method both from your nexus and your http(s) objects. Use it like this:

nexus.ssi("input/", "output/", "*.shtml");


http.ssi("input/", "output/", "*.shtml");

Run Tests

npm test

This depends on Mocha, you may have to re-run npm install https://github.com/NucleaPeon/nexpress.git to pull extra deps in.

Code is changing frequently, not recommended for use in production environments.