
An Angular app using the "JSONPlaceholder" for Practice

Primary LanguageTypeScript


This project was generated with Angular CLI version 7.2.3.

Making Angular App using JSON PlaceHolder as the API for this App. The purpose of this app is for me to pratice producing an Angular app and then use it as reference for myself for future Anuglar projects. This project is going to be a "Single-page application". It will be showing basic routing between components. There will four main components displayed on the navbar: Posts, Comments, Photos, and Users. The "Posts" component will show a list of posts. Each post can be be clicked on to show the contents of the post, same concept goes for the "Comments" component. The "Photos" component will show a gallery of photos from the API. The last component labelled "Users" will display a list of users. Each user can be clicked on to display a profile. Here's a link to the Repo The App will show basic routing between components, HTTP comsumption from an API, use of directive in pages, using services with components, and reusable components. Almost all the information displayed in this app will come from JSON PlaceHolder. It show will all the information from the API dynamically.

Development server

If you just clone the repo run npm i or npm install.

Run ng serve for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.

Deploying on GitHub Pages

If you don't have "angular-cli-ghpages" run sudo npm install -g angular-cli-ghpages and continue on.

Run ng build --prod --base-href "https://<user-name>.github.io/<repo>/" to compile everything for th WebApp. After that run sudo ngh --dist dist/[ProjectName] and you should be all set.