
This repository consists of the two implementations for driver drowsiness detection via

  1. Eye monitoring being it closed or opened (Detection_for_images).
  2. Real-time video stream (Detection_for_videos).

Code Requirements

  1. pip install dlib
  2. pip install skimage
  3. pip install scipy
  4. pip install numpy
  5. pip install cv2
  6. pip install imutils


You can download a trained facial shape predictor from: here

Procedure in Implementation 1

Python code: Simple app to detect the status of eye being closed or opened (sleep_detection.py (test1.jpg and test2.jpg are for testing))

Run using the command, python sleep_detection.py /path/to/shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat test1.jpg

Procedure in Implementation 2

To run the code, type python Drowsiness_Detection.py


Each eye is represented by 6 (x, y)-coordinates, starting at the left-corner of the eye (as if you were looking at the person), and then working clockwise around the eye: alt text


It checks 20 consecutive frames and if the Eye Aspect ratio is lesst than 0.25, Alert is generated.


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Summing up

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For more information look here.

References and Credits:

  1. This implementation is inspired by Akshay Bahadur's project.
  2. This implementation also took inspiration from Taha Emara's work.