
Simple Waterline bootstraper for loading all the models in a given directory

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Simple Waterline bootstraper for loading all the models in a given directory


Install from NPM

$ npm install  waterline-lighter


How many times have you written/copy&pasted this code for initing your waterline instace?

.filter(function(file) {
    return (file.indexOf(".") !== 0) && (file !== "index.js");
.forEach(function(file) {
    var model = require(path.join(__dirname, file));

I found myself writing it more than once, so I decided to write this, hopefully it will save some time to someone else apart from me in the future.

How it works

This module exposes a function that accepts a config object or a string pointing to the directory where the models are at and an optional callback function. It returns a promise that will be fullfiled when the waterline instance is correctly initialized.

waterlineLighter(config, [cb])


Config can be either a String or an Object.

  • If a String, it is assumed it points to the directory where waterline should load the models from.
  • If an Object:
    • dir [String]: pointing to the directory where the model definitions are at.
    • [target] [Object]: Optional. where to store models and connections after orm is inited. This is useful when used with an Express instance. Defaults to global. If you want to disable this feature and dont inject it anywhere, set target to false.
    • [connection] [Object]: Optional. Waterline connection to be used as default for all the model definitions that don't have a connection field specified. See sections Defining Models and Defining Connections for more information.
    • Any option else will be passed to the Waterline#initialize function.


Standard node finish callback with err and result as arguments passed. Check the return section for knowing about result. This is suplied as an alternate way of using this module, but we strongly recomend adopting promises.


A promise that will be fullfilled to an object with the following attributes:

  • orm: Waterline instance created and initialized.
  • config: Compiled config used for on Waterline#initialize.
  • models: Models object returned by Waterline#initialize.
  • connections: Connections object returned by Waterline#initialize.

Defining Models

When using WaterlineLighter your models must export the configuration that will be passed to Waterline.Collection.extend (instead of the return value of that function).

Also when using WaterlineLighter you can simplify your models a little bit. The following configurations can be not set and the module will take care of them.

  • identity: If no identity field is given to the model, the module will use the filename converted to sanke_case.
  • connection: If no connection is defined, 'default' will be assigned. Read more about the default connection in the Defining Connections section.

Defining Connections

When using WaterlineLighter defining connections is a little bit easier.

It's important that you define a default connection inside connections (or use the connection attribute instead). Default connection will be used on modelsthad don't have a connection defined (or it is strcitly set to default).

When defining the adapter to use by a connection config you can specifiy it directly by using the string you would normally use to define it, ('mysql', 'redis', 'postgresql', ...) as long as the associated adapter to that value is installed in the current project (sails-mysql, sails-redis, sails-postgresql, ...). If it is not available an error will be raised letting you know you should probably install it.


Lets assume we have a project structure as follows

├── models
│   ├── pet.js
│   ├── pet-food.js
│   └── owner.js
├── app.js
├── index.js
└── package.json



var WaterlineLighter = require('waterline-lighter')
.then(function(waterline) {
    waterline.orm           // waterline instance created by `new Waterline()`
    waterline.config        // config passed to orm.initialize (with some extra opts)
    waterline.collections   // collections loaded on the orm after inited
    waterline.connections   // connections used by the orm after inited
    // The module also loads the connections and collections into the global object
    global.collections      // same as waterline.collections
    global.connections      // same as waterline.connections
.then(function() {


var express = require('express')
var app = expres()

var Pet = global.collections.pet
var PetFood = global.collections.pet_food
var Owner = global.collections.owner

app.get('/pets', function(req, res, next) {
    .catch(next) // Don't forget to handle possible errors and pass them to express

This is a typical dev/fast config. It will load the models at ./models into the global object and the memory adapter will be used if available. If the memory adapter is not available at the initialization will fail, so you know you need to install it



var express = require('express')
var WaterlineLighter = require('waterline-lighter')
var app = expres()

    dir: './models',
    connection: {
        adapter: 'mysql',
        url: 'mysql2://root:root@localhost:3306/database'

app.get('/pets', function(req, res, next) {
    var Pet = req.app.collections.pet // req.app === app
    var PetFood = req.app.collections.pet_food
    var Owner = req.app.collections.owner

    .catch(next) // Don't forget to handle possible errors and pass them to express