Work in progress 3D model rocket visualizer program.
Developed in Unity 2021.1.13f1.
- Configuration UI
- Data log file import
- Standardized log file format
- Ability to omit certain fields (like TVC data, orientation, inertial acceleration) and have some of them computed by the visualizer
- Field remapper for non-standardized log files
- Camera angle selection
- Time scale control
- Data log file import
- Video file export
- Better motor exhaust VFX
- Better scenery
- Launchpad
- Seemingly infinite terrain
- Grass, clouds, other props etc.
- Parachutes
- Multiple rockets
- For [REDACTED] vis stuff.
- Clean up the Unity project
Stretch goals
- Timeline
- Mark various events (burnout, apogee, time scale transitions) and state transitions (like for Rigidbody state)
- Scriptable rockets
- A standardized abstract/"frontend" API where CSV data would just be one of the "backends"
- Could even support scripting at runtime through C# CompilerServices or a different scripting language
- Real life map data for scenery
- Custom model import
- .obj with texture/material data (.mtl)
- .fbx with bundled texture/material data
- Binding data log fields to transform properties of bodies in a model
- Basically a generalization of TVC actuation which could be used with fins and other actuating surfaces.
- Rocket and Motor model by ZegesMenden