
A script to assist with ingesting Enterprise Vault data into Nuix

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

EV Manager

License This script was last tested in Nuix 7.4

View the GitHub project here or download the latest release here.


Written By: Jason Wells

This script provides an interface to assist with locating and processing EV stores and archives in Nuix. The script supports filtering by a custodian which is selected from a user record database (the address book) which is stored in SQL.

Additionally this repository contains:

  • A SQL script to build the requisite tables in a database
  • A tool to sync data from Active Directory or a CSV into the address book

Getting Started


Begin by downloading the latest release of this code. Extract the contents of the archive into your Nuix scripts directory. In Windows the script directory is likely going to be either of the following:

  • %appdata%\Nuix\Scripts - User level script directory
  • %programdata%\Nuix\Scripts - System level script directory


Before you can make use of this script you will need to perform some configuration. Within the settings sub directory, there are several JSON files which provide configuration settings to the script.


This file allows you to provide database connection settings which will allow the script to interact with the address book database.


	"server": "localhost",
	"port": null,
	"database": "UserData",
	"instance": null,
	"domain": null,
	"user": null,
	"password": null
Key Description
server An IP or host name which can be used to resolve the SQL server.
port Allows you to specify an alternative port number if your SQL server is running on a non-standard port number.
database The default database to connect to, by default this should be UserData.
instance If the target machine has more than one running instance of SQL server, this allows you to specify which instance of SQL server to connect to.
domain Specifies the Windows domain to authenticate in. If present and the user name and password are provided, jTDS (library used to connect to SQL) uses Windows (NTLM) authentication instead of the usual SQL Server authentication (i.e. the user and password provided are the domain user and password). This allows non-Windows clients to log in to servers which are only configured to accept Windows authentication. If the domain parameter is present but no user name and password are provided, jTDS uses its native Single-Sign-On library and logs in with the logged Windows user's credentials (for this to work one would need to be on Windows, logged into a domain, and also have the SSO library installed).
user User name used to authenticate
password Password used to authenticate

Note: Providing a value of null for a setting instructs the script to ignore that setting.

Note: If this file cannot be found or the database cannot be reached using the settings provided, the script will still run with limited functionality. The script will start with a warning and the address book functionality will be unavailable, but the script should otherwise be functional.

The combination of settings needed depends on your MSSQL environment and how it is setup.


This file allows you to provide SQL connection settings to one or more Enterprise Vault SQL backend servers. The script connects to these servers to query information about available vault stores and associated vault archives.

Example - Single Server

		"name": "Server 1",
		"sql_connection_settings": {
			"server": "",
			"port": null,
			"database": "EnterpriseVaultDirectory",
			"instance": "",
			"domain": null,
			"user": null,
			"password": null

Example - Multiple Servers

		"name": "Server 1",
		"sql_connection_settings": {
			"server": "",
			"port": null,
			"database": "EnterpriseVaultDirectory",
			"instance": "",
			"domain": null,
			"user": null,
			"password": null
		"name": "Server 2",
		"sql_connection_settings": {
			"server": "",
			"port": null,
			"database": "EnterpriseVaultDirectory",
			"instance": "SQLEXPRESS",
			"domain": null,
			"user": null,
			"password": null
		"name": "Server 3",
		"sql_connection_settings": {
			"server": "",
			"port": null,
			"database": "EnterpriseVaultDirectory",
			"instance": "",
			"domain": null,
			"user": "sa",
			"password": "sapassword"
Key Description
/name The display name used in the GUI for the given server entry.
/sql_connection_settings/server An IP or host name which can be used to resolve the SQL server.
/sql_connection_settings/port Allows you to specify an alternative port number if your SQL server is running on a non-standard port number.
/sql_connection_settings/database The default database to connect to, by default this should be UserData.
/sql_connection_settings/instance If the target machine has more than one running instance of SQL server, this allows you to specify which instance of SQL server to connect to.
/sql_connection_settings/domain Specifies the Windows domain to authenticate in. If present and the user name and password are provided, jTDS (library used to connect to SQL) uses Windows (NTLM) authentication instead of the usual SQL Server authentication (i.e. the user and password provided are the domain user and password). This allows non-Windows clients to log in to servers which are only configured to accept Windows authentication. If the domain parameter is present but no user name and password are provided, jTDS uses its native Single-Sign-On library and logs in with the logged Windows user's credentials (for this to work one would obviously need to be on Windows, logged into a domain, and also have the SSO library installed).
/sql_connection_settings/user User name used to authenticate
/sql_connection_settings/password Password used to authenticate

Note: Providing a value of null for a setting instructs the script to ignore that setting.

The combination of settings needed depends on your MSSQL environment and how it is setup.


This file defines the default processing settings used by the "Data Processing Settings" tab. If this file does not exist the script will use its own internal default settings (seen below). See Processor.setProcessingSettings for details on what settings are available and what they do.


  "addBccToEmailDigests": false,
  "addCommunicationDateToEmailDigests": false,
  "analysisLanguage": "en",
  "calculateAuditedSize": true,
  "calculateSSDeepFuzzyHash": false,
  "carveFileSystemUnallocatedSpace": false,
  "createThumbnails": false,
  "detectFaces": false,
  "digests": [
  "enableExactQueries": false,
  "extractEndOfFileSlackSpace": false,
  "extractFromSlackSpace": false,
  "extractNamedEntitiesFromProperties": false,
  "extractNamedEntitiesFromText": false,
  "extractNamedEntitiesFromTextStripped": false,
  "extractShingles": false,
  "hideEmbeddedImmaterialData": false,
  "identifyPhysicalFiles": true,
  "maxDigestSize": 250000000,
  "maxStoredBinarySize": 1000000000,
  "processFamilyFields": false,
  "processText": true,
  "processTextSummaries": false,
  "recoverDeletedFiles": false,
  "reportProcessingStatus": "none",
  "reuseEvidenceStores": true,
  "skinToneAnalysis": false,
  "smartProcessRegistry": false,
  "stemming": false,
  "stopWords": false,
  "storeBinary": false,
  "traversalScope": "full_traversal"


This file defines the default settings used by the "Worker Settings" tab. If this file does not exist the script will use its own internal default settings (seen below). See Processor.setParallelProcessingSettings for details on what these settings do. Note that currently only workerCount, workerMemory and workerTemp are supported by the script.


	"workerCount": 4,
	"workerMemory": 2048,
	"workerTemp": "C:\\WorkerTemp",
	"workerTimeout": 3600


This CSV file configures how mime type settings will be configured through the API before processing begins.

Column Name Description
Kind The Nuix kind value for this type, provided to make finding a particular type entry easier
Type Name The user fiendly name for this type, provided to make finding a particular type entry easier
Extension The Nuix preferred extension for this type, provided to make finding a particular type entry easier
Mime Type The mime type value for this type entry.
Enabled If FALSE items matching this MIME type, and their embedded descendants, will not be processed.
ProcessEmbedded If FALSE descendants of items matching this MIME type will not be processed.
ProcessText If FALSE items matching this MIME type will not have their text processed.
TextStrip If TRUE items matching this MIME type will have their binary data text stripped. Note: when this is TRUE, ProcessText is implicitly set to FALSE.
ProcessNamedEntities If FALSE items matching this MIME type will not have named entities extracted.
ProcessImages If FALSE items matching this MIME type will not have their image data processed.
StoreBinary If FALSE items matching this MIME type will not have their binary data stored.

Note: If a mime type value is encountered that is not a known type in the version of Nuix you are using to run the script, the settings will be skipped for that particular type to prevent errors. A message will also be logged noting this.

Address Book Database

The address book information is stored in a series of tables which hold information about users. See the included file CreateDatabaseTables.sql for details.



Used to store the main details of a user.

SQL Column Name SQL Data Type Nullable? Indexed? AD Field Notes
EmployeedID VARCHAR(100) NO YES, UNIQUE EmployeedID May have leading zeros, possibly needs to be a VARCHAR field in order to retain leading zeros
Name VARCHAR(100) NO YES DisplayName
Title VARCHAR(100) YES YES Title
Department VARCHAR(100) YES YES Department
Location VARCHAR(100) YES YES PhysicalDeliveryOfficeName
RecordCreated DateTime NO NO WhenCreated Records the time when the record was initially created in the database.
RecordLastModified DateTime YES NO WhenChanged If a value is present, represents the last time the record was modified via an AD sync


Used to store the email addresses associate to a user.

SQL Column Name SQL Data Type Nullable? Indexed? AD Field Notes
UserRecordID INT NO YES N/A Associates this address record to a UserRecord with the same ID value
RecordCreated DateTime NO NO N/A Records the time when the record was initially created in the database.
RecordLastModified DateTime YES NO N/A If a value is present, represents the last time the record was modified
Address VARCHAR(1000) NO NO mail, mailNickname, proxyAddresses An email address


Used to store the phone numbers associate to a user.

SQL Column Name SQL Data Type Nullable? Indexed? AD Field Notes
UserRecordID INT NO YES N/A Associates this phone number record to a UserRecord with the same ID value
RecordCreated DateTime NO NO N/A Records the time when the record was initially created in the database.
PhoneNumber VARCHAR(30) NO NO TelephoneNumber A phone number


Used to store the SIDs associate to a user.

SQL Column Name SQL Data Type Nullable? Indexed? AD Field Notes
UserRecordID INT NO YES N/A Associates this SID record to a UserRecord with the same ID value
RecordCreated DateTime NO NO N/A Records the time when the record was initially created in the database.


When ingestion is performed with a custodian selected, this table records to which case and when that ingestion was performed.

SQL Column Name SQL Data Type Nullable? Indexed? AD Field Notes
UserRecordID INT NO YES N/A Associates this ingestion event record to a UserRecord with the same ID value
DateIngested DATETIME NO NO N/A DateTime when an ingestion was performed
CaseName VARCHAR(200) NO NO N/A Name of case to which ingestion occurred
CaseLocation VARCHAR(255) NO NO N/A Location of case to which ingestion occurred

Address Book Active Directory Sync Console

This is a headless .Net Framework 4.5 executable (no GUI) which performs the sync operation between a data source (usually Active Directory) and the address book database from which the script pulls the custodian information.

Sync Logic

For each record in input source:

  1. If input record has an empty or only whitespace character value for EmployeeID the record is skipped. Note that alternate source attributes can be used for this value by configuring the setting UniqueIdentifierAttribute in the SyncSettings section of the file Settings.json. Since this is the only way to uniquely identify each entry this is a required field that must have a uniquely identifying value.
  2. If the database does not already contain a record with this EmployeeID, a new record is added. If the database does already contain a record with this EmployeeID:
    1. If settings specify to update user base data:
      1. If Name is different from value in database, update it
      2. If Title is different from value in database, update it
      3. If Department is different from value in database, update it
      4. If Location is different from value in database, update it
    2. Update database with any email addresses not already present for user (values are added, but never modified or removed)
    3. Update database with any phone numbers not already present for user (values are added, but never modified or removed)
    4. Update database with any SID values which are not already present for user record (values are added, but never modified or removed)

Settings File

By default the tool will look for the file Settings.json located in the same directory as the executable. This is a JSON file containing information regarding:

  • SQL Server connection settings for the database server hosting the address book database.
  • Sync settings controlling some aspects regarding how data is collected from Active Directory.
  • The directory log files are written to.
  • Settings for each Active Directory server to collect user information from.

Note: See the arguments section below for details on specifying where the settings file is located.

		"Server": "localhost",
		"Port": null,
		"Instance": "SQLEXPRESS",
		"Database": "UserData",
		"User": null,
		"Password": null,
		"Domain": null,
		"EmailAddressesIncludesMailNicknameProperty": true,
		"EmailAddressesIncludesMailProperty": true,
		"EmailAddressesIncludesProxyAddressesProperty": true,
		"CollectX400ProxyAddresses": true,
		"CollectX500ProxyAddresses": true,
		"CollectSmtpProxyAddresses": true,
		"CollectSipProxyAddresses": true,
		"UpdateUserInformation": true,
		"UniqueIdentifierAttribute":  "employeeId" // Valid values: employeeId, employeeNumber
	"LogDirectory": "C:\\Temp\\ADSyncLogs\\",
			"Name": "Server 1",
			"Domain": null,
			"ContextContainer": null
			"Name": "Server 2",
			"Domain": null,
			"ContextContainer": null

This file is comprised of several sections:


Contains information about how to connect to the SQL server instance hosting the address book database.

Setting Description
Server IP or hostname of SQL server.
Port The port number of the SQL server. Only really needed if the port is not the standard SQL port of 1433.
Instance Name of the SQL server instance. Usually only needed if there is more than one instance of SQL server running on the target machine.
Database Name of the address book database.
User Used to specify a user name. See below for more details.
Password Used to specify a password. See below for more details.
Domain Used to specify a authentication domain. See below for more details.

SQL Server Authentication

Authentication to the SQL server hosting the address book database will be performed in different ways, depending on the settings provided.

  1. Trusted connection - If no values are provided for: User, Password or Domain then a trusted connection will be used to connect to the SQL server. The credentials of user running the tool will be used to authenticate against the SQL server.
  2. SQL Server Authentication - If value are provided for User and Password, then those credentials will be used to authenticate against a login setup within the SQL server instance.
  3. Domain Authentication - If values are provided for User, Password and Domain then those credentials will be used to authenticate with the specified Domain.


Setting Description
EmailAddressesIncludesMailNicknameProperty Determines whether address values will be pulled from the Active Directory user property mailNickname
EmailAddressesIncludesMailProperty Determines whether address values will be pulled from the Active Directory user property mail
EmailAddressesIncludesProxyAddressesProperty Determines whether address values will be pulled from the Active Directory user property proxyAddresses
CollectX400ProxyAddresses Determines whether x400 addresses will be collected from the proxyAddresses property (if it is enabled)
CollectX500ProxyAddresses Determines whether x500 addresses will be collected from the proxyAddresses property (if it is enabled)
CollectSmtpProxyAddresses Determines whether SMTP addresses will be collected from the proxyAddresses property (if it is enabled)
CollectSipProxyAddresses Determines whether SIP addresses will be collected from the proxyAddresses property (if it is enabled)
UpdateUserInformation Determines whether basic user attributes in the table UserRecord will be updated to reflect changes in the source data. Regardless of how this set, new Addresses, Phone Numbers and SIDs will still be added to the address book.
UniqueIdentifierAttribute Determines which attribute will be used as unique identifier for each user record. Valid values: employeeId (default), employeeNumber. Note that only those valid values listed are supported. Support for additional attributes requires additions to the code due to the need for ExtendedUserPrincipal to know the source attribute at compile time.


This section allows you to specify 1 or more Active Directory servers to collect sync data from. Each server entry takes the following form:

	"Name": "Server 1",
	"Domain": null,
	"ContextContainer": null,
	"UserName": null,
	"Password": null
Setting Description
Name Friendly name for server. Mostly for user reference, has no impact on how instance is connected to.
Domain Domain of the Active Directory instance to connect to. If not provided, will be inferred from machine the sync tool is running on.
ContextContainer Optional, specifies a contextual root container within which user search will occur. Example: OU=Personal,OU=Accounts,DC=nam,DC=ent,DC=acompany,DC=com.
UserName User name used to authenticate against the given AD server, can be null to authenticate using credentials of user running the tool.
Password Password used to authenticate against the given AD server, can be null to authenticate using credentials of user running the tool.


The tool also supports several option arguments to modify how it behaves.

  -t, --templatefile    (Default: None) When specified the tool will save a
                        blank template CSV (suitable for import) to the
                        location specified.

  -i, --inputfile       (Default: None) Used to specify a CSV file to import.
                        When this option is provided, import will not occur
                        from active directory.

  -e, --exportfile      (Default: None) Used to specify an file to export to.
                        When this option is provided, entries will be read from
                        Active Directory but written to the output file rather
                        than the address book database.  Supports extensions:
                        CSV, TXT

  -l, --limit           (Default: 0) Used to specify a maximum number of
                        records to process.  A value of 0 means no limit.

  -s, --settingsfile    (Default: None) Used to specify an alternate settings
                        JSON file.  If not provided default is to look for
                        Settings.json in same directory as executable.

  -n, --servername      (Default: None) When provided, only the Active
                        Directory server in the settings file with the provided
                        name will be processed.

  --help                Display this help screen.
Command Line Argument Description
settingsfile Used to specify an alternate settings JSON file. If not provided default is to look for Settings.json in the same directory as the executable.
inputfile Used to specify a CSV file to import. When this option is provided, import will use the specified CSV as the source of user records instead of Active directory.
templatefile When specified, then tool will save a blank template CSV suitable for import via the --input-file argument.
exportfile When specified, data collected from Active Directory will be written to an output file rather than be synced to the address book database. This is useful to sample the data being pulled from active directory for review. Output file specified can end with extension .txt or .csv. When .csv is specified, the data will be written to a CSV. When .txt is specified the sample data will be written to a text file in a more verbose manner to help determine what addresses are coming from where.
limit Used to specify a maximum number of records to process. A value of 0 means no limit.
servername When provided, only the Active Directory server in the settings file with the provided name will be processed.


Specify the settings file

ActiveDirectorySyncConsole.exe --settings "C:\SomeDirectory\AlternativeSettings.json"

Export to a CSV

ActiveDirectorySyncConsole.exe --exportfile "C:\SomeDirectory\ADUserSample.csv"

Export 100 records to a CSV

ActiveDirectorySyncConsole.exe --exportfile "C:\SomeDirectory\ADUserSample.csv" --limit 100

Import from a CSV

ActiveDirectorySyncConsole.exe --importfile "C:\SomeDirectory\ADUserSample.csv"

Generate Template CSV

ActiveDirectorySyncConsole.exe --templatefile "C:\SomeDirectory\WillImportLater.csv"

Process only specific AD server

ActiveDirectorySyncConsole.exe --servername "Server 1"

Process only 100 records from specific AD server

ActiveDirectorySyncConsole.exe --servername "Server 1" --limit 100

Return Codes

The tool returns a few different codes depending on errors which may have occurred.

Code Description
0 No issues
1 Unexpected exception
2 Invalid settings file path
3 Error while loading settings file
4 Error connecting to address book database
5 1 or more errors while syncing user records


Copyright 2018 Nuix

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.