
Example code for integrating Python with Nuix

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Last tested in Nuix 9.6


There are multiple ways to use Python with the Nuix Engine. This repository is made as a companion to the "Python On The Engine" blog post. It demonstrates some of the methods to methods described in the blog.

Table of Contents

  1. Run Python from the Command Line Interface
  2. Connect to a Python Microservice
  3. Connect to the RESTful Service
  4. Run the Nuix Engine Java API from Python
  5. The Image Classifier Side Project
  6. The Python Environment

Run Python from the Command Line Interface

The cli package is designed as an example of calling an external Python application using the command line or shell. It consists of three parts:

  1. The img_classifier package: An external application that uses Keras to do some image classification. See the 'Image Classification Side Project' for more information.
  2. cli.predict_from_folder.py: A Command Line Interface wrapper around the above code so it can take in parameters and run the prediction. This needs an external Python environment to run in. See 'The External Environment' below for details.
  3. cli.predict_selected.py: A script to run from the Interactive Scripting Console inside Nuix Workstation.

To run this example, ensure you have a properly configured external Python environment as described below to run the prediction and command line application in. Launch Nuix Workstation, open a case, and select some images - at least some that are JPEGs (with jpg, or jpeg extensions). Launch the interactive scripting console from the Scripting menu using the Show Console action. Copy the contents of cli.predict_selected.py into the console. You will need to modify some values at the top of the script:

# Where the images should be exported to.  Also where the results will be written to.
# WARNING: The contents WILL be deleted at the end - don't use a folder with existing content!
working_path = r'C:\Projects\RestData\Exports\temp'

# Top level of the python path to find the CLI and classification scripts.
python_project_path = r'C:\Projects\Python\Python-On-The-Engine'
# Module and Script file to run
predict_script = r'cli\predict_from_folder.py'

# Path to the Python environment
python_env_path = r'C:\Projects\Python\Python-On-The-Engine\env'

The working_path should be set to a temporary directory where images will be exported. The entire contents of the folder will be deleted when the script is done - so use a new empty folder.

The python_project_path should be the full path to the top of this repository. There should be a subfolder 'cli' and a different subfolder called 'img_classifier'.

The predict_script is the Python file the console script will execute. It should be the package.file format relative to the python_project_path. Assuming you are running the code present in this repository it should not need to change.

The final one is python_env_path. This script makes no assumptions about your Python environment being added to your environment PATH, being naturally executable from the command / shell, and the PYTHONPATH being configured. This helps running the application on systems with multiple Python environments. To do this, the script needs to know the path to the Python.exe. Use the python_env_path variable to point to the folder where the external Python environment is located (this should be the folder, and should not include the python.exe file itself). Ensure this variable points to the path where the external Python environment described below in 'The External Environment'.

Once these modifications are made you can execute the script, during which the progress of the export and processing will be displayed at the bottom of the Console.

Note that this script could run from the Script menu by copying the predict_selected.py file into your user script directory. However, when you do this, you don't get to see the output in the console. There are other ways to show progress in scripts (see the NX repository on our GitHub) but doing so was beyond the scope of these examples.

Connect to a Python Microservice

The microservice package is an example of using an external Python microservice from inside the Nuix Workstation. It is similar to the cli package in design and purpose, the difference being how the external application runs and therefore how you interact with it. This package consists of three parts:

  1. The img_classifier package: An external application that uses Keras to do some image classification. See the 'Image Classification Side Project' for more information.
  2. microservice.predict_service.py: A Flask application that wraps the image classifier so the prediction can be accessed as a microservice. This needs the external Python environment to run. See 'The External Environment' below for details.
  3. microservice.predict_selected.py: A script to run from the Interactive Scripting Console inside Nuix Workstation.

To run this example, ensure you have a properly configured external Python environment described below to run the prediction and Flask application in. In addition to installing the environment, you will also need to configure some parameters for the Flask application. When testing this code, I used the following Environment Variables to do so:

  • FLASK_RUN_PORT=8982: Configures the port to use to access the service.
  • FLASK_ENV=development: Turns debug on, limits access to localhost, and reloads code changes
  • FLASK_APP=microservice.predict_service: Sets the microservice.predict_service as the Flask entry point

When running the Flask application, the root of this repository should be the Working Directory so the microservice. predict_service script can be found. See the Flask documentation for more detailed configuration options.

You should launch the Flask microservice prior to trying to connect to it from Workstation. Once you have it running launch Nuix Workstation, load a case, and select some images with at least a few JPG images selected. Then open the interactive scripting console using Scripts > Show Console. Copy the contents of microservice.predict_selected to the Script part of the console. You may need to make some adjustments to script as follows:

HOST = ''

Adjust the HOST to properly reflect the URL of the host computer running the microservice. If the microservice is running on the local computer and is in development mode, then leave the IP address as, otherwise you may need to adjust it to the correct IP or Host Name for the computer. Additionally, you should change the Port Number to match that provided to the FLASK_RUN_PORT environment variable. If this value is not set then it defaults to 5000.

With those changes made you can execute the script and you should start to see the requests and results show up in the bottom of the Console window.

Connect to the RESTful Service

The restful package uses a running instance of the Nuix RESTful Service to call into the Nuix Engine from an external application. It requires a separate, running instance of the RESTful Service - see this documentation on how to set it up: https://nuix.github.io/sdk-docs/latest/products/core_engine/rest_api.html.

The external Python application has minimal requirements - just the requests library which can be installed from pip or Anaconda. The repository has an environment.yml file which can be used to create a full Anaconda environment that can be used with the code here. The application will do a paged search for all items in a case, tag each item on a page, and then export the items of a particular page - for example if you had limited space to export to you could first split all the items into 1000 items count pages using tags. Then export one page at a time, process the export, clear the exported data, and do the next page. It also has an module which will clear the tags used to mark items for export.

All the configuration for the application can be found in the config.json file at the base of the repository. The pertinent settings are:

  "rest": {
    "host": "http://localhost",
    "port": "8080",
    "case_name": "Enron",
    "search": {
      "search_query": "*",
      "page_size": 1000
    "export": {
      "path": "C:/Projects/Playground/Temp",
      "subfolder": "export_{id}",
      "tag_format": "export|{year}.{month}.{day}|pg{page}",
      "tag_query": "tag:{export_tag}",
      "workers": 2
  "license": {
    "type": "enterprise-workstation",
    "workers": 4,
    "location_type": "cloud-server",
    "location": "https://licence-api.nuix.com"

The first section, rest is used for configuring the connection with the RESTful service:

  • host: Host name for accessing the REST server
  • port: Port number the REST uses to communicate on.
  • case_name The sample code will connect to a particular case to export. Supply the name of the case name here.
  • search.search_query: This is the initial search query used to tag items for export. The setting here tags all items, but you might use some query to limit the items to be exported.
  • search.page_size: The number of items per 'page' to be exported.
  • export.path: Full path to the folder where items will be exported. Items will be exported into a sub-folder in this directory.
  • export.subfolder: The format of the subfolder name to export. The {id} will be replaced by the page number being exported
  • export.tag_format: Format of the tag that will be added to items for export. Use the | character to create sub-tags. User {page} to insert the page number, and {day}, {month}, and {year} to insert the date
  • export.tag_query: Query to use to find the items to export. Use {export_tag} to insert the calculated export tag (as per the export.tag_format). This gives the opportunity to further limit what items to export.
  • export.workers: Provide the number of workers to dedicate to the export job

The next section is about configuring the license to use for this session:

  • type: The short name of the license type to acquire
  • workers: Number of workers to claim, if applicable to the license type
  • location_type: The type of the license source to use, such as cloud-server, or NMS server.
  • location: The host name of the license source to use.

The application should be run with the repository's base directory as the working directory so the config.json file is found and the relative packages work as expected. The application can be run in three different ways:

  1. > python restful\paged_export.py: With no parameters, the application will tag all items matching the search query for export, but does not do the export.
  2. > python restful\paged_export.py date:<year>.<month>.<day> page:<page>: With the date and page parameters, export the items marked with the matching date and page export tags
    • year is a 4 digit year
    • month and day do not have leading 0s
    • page does not have leading zeroes, and is a 1s based index
    • example python restful\paged_export.py date:2022.4.7 page:3
  3. > python restful\remove_export_tags.py: Removes all export tags from the case, rather than adding tags or exporting

The application uses two environment variables to log in to the license server: nuix_user and nuix_password.

The restful package has the following contents:

  • nuix_api.py: Contains the following classes:
    • NuixRestApi: A series of static methods for building the endpoint URLs used in the example code
    • ContentTypes: Holds the three common Content-Type header strings used for the application
  • nuix_utility.py: Some common utility methods like logging in and out and finding a case by name.
  • paged_export.py: The main application entry point for tagging and exporting
  • remove_export_tags.py: Entry point application for removing tags from items
  • rest_base.py: Bottom level GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, HEAD, and DELETE REST calls

Run the Nuix Engine Java API from Python

The engine_in package provides a code example of how to use pyjnius as a tool to include the Nuix Engine's Java API in your Python application. It is a simple 'log in' hello world equivalent. It requires the pyjnius libarary which can be installed via pip. See their GitHub repository for details on how to install and use it: https://github.com/kivy/pyjnius. The environment.yml included with this repository contains all the libraries you need to run the example.

In order to use pyjnius, you must have a configured Java Virtual Machine - which means a properly set up JAVA_HOME, CLASSPATH, and PATH which contains the jvm.dll. Since the Nuix Engine is distributed with a JVM and we also need to ensure the Nuix Engine's libraries are available to the Python application, the application should use the Engine's install path as the source of the JVM for pyjnius. This is done in code using the following configuration:

nuix_engine_path = r'C:\Projects\nuix-engine'

The JAVA_HOME, CLASSPATH, and PATH will be modified based on subdirectories of the path provided here. These settings are made for the running application only and will not permanently change the operating system's configuration.

Additional settings are needed to setup the license and how the Engine identifies who is using the application:

  • NUIX_USER: The caseworker that will be associated with changes made while the application is running
  • USER_DATA_DIR: The directory Nuix will use for user data, such as profiles and scripts.
  • LICENSE_TYPE: Short name for the license type to use
  • LICENSE_SOURCE_TYPE: The type of the license source, such as cloud-server or NMS.
  • LICENSE_SOURCE_LOCATION: The host name of the license source to use
  • WORKER_COUNT: Number of workers to claim for use during this application, if allowed by the license type.

Run the application use the following command line from the top of the repository:

> python engine_in\grab_license.py

The application uses two environment variables to log in to the license server: nuix_user and nuix_password.

The engine_in package has a single file:

  • grab_license.py: The main entry point for the application - gets a licensed engine ready to do some work.

The Image Classifier Side Project

To demonstrate some previous examples, a more complex Python application was created as a stand in for why you might use the Command Line or Microservice strategies. This is far from a real or complete image prediction or classification scheme - it just uses the pre-trained ResNet50 with weights from the imagenet library. It is not suitable for e-forensics or discovery. This project consists of a single predict method that takes in a sequence of PIL images and produces the top 3 predictions and their score.

This application is expected to run in a Python 3.9+ environment with Keras and TensorFlow. See 'The External Environment' below for how to make an environment suitable for running this. This application itself doesn't actually run. It is intended to be used along side the cli package to be run as a standalone Command Line application, or with the microservice package to be run inside a Flask application.

The Python Environment

For this repository, you can think of there being two separate Python environment.

The 'In Engine' Environment

This is the Python environment provided by Nuix as part of its scripting interface, and is used by Worker Side Scripts, the Interactive Scripting Console, from the Scripting Menu, and other scripts run from inside Workstation or the Engine. It is a Jython environment and is compatible with Python version 2.7.2. The scripts running 'In Engine' here do not require any specific Python libraries but do make use of Java libraries provided by the engine. Most notably, the in engine script part of the Microservice sample uses the Apache Commons HttpClient.

The External Environment

External scripts were all written using a common Anaconda environment. The environment configuration file is provided in the environment.yml file at the top level of this repository. Note that this environment contains configuration for the Microservice (Flask), the Image Classifier (SciKit Image, TensorFlow and Keras) the RESTful Service Client (requests) as well as the Java In Python example (pyjnius). So this environment will contain more than would be needed for any specific application based on one of these approaches.

To duplicate this environment in Anaconda use the following command: conda env create -p C:\Projects\Python\Nuix -f environment.yml