:large_orange_diamond: Build beautiful terminal tables with automatic content wrapping
- 6
Enable tables to carry a title
#160 opened by yoshuawuyts - 2
- 2
- 8
[Bug] Panic on truncating non-ASCII content
#167 opened by uasi - 2
Reimagine column handling
#144 opened by Nukesor - 7
[Feature] Vertical alignment
#75 opened by jaskij - 3
Fill remaining width with column
#141 opened by 9999years - 4
Header truncation
#142 opened by 9999years - 7
- 3
smaller truncate character
#161 opened by jdx - 2
[Feature] Colored borders
#127 opened by jordemort - 0
Display mode to hide columns that don't fit
#143 opened by Nukesor - 6
Make the table clonable
#154 opened by soywod - 1
Example of comfy-table usage
#153 opened by soywod - 4
Make `Color` (de)serializable
#150 opened by soywod - 2
Make cells content shrinkable
#151 opened by soywod - 1
- 2
- 12
[Possible breaking change] Reimagine column handling
#124 opened by Nukesor - 9
Allow for OSC / Control Characters
#137 opened by dsully - 1
[Feature] Sorting
#139 opened by 9999years - 4
Multiple colors in a cell
#136 opened by Eragon615 - 1
Horizontal lines
#129 opened by marcbowes - 3
Macros to convert several values into cells
#131 opened by jmg-duarte - 1
Add a new row or column in a specific position.
#130 opened by pedrohba1 - 2
- 3
Doc clarification on boundaries
#111 opened by andrewbaxter - 3
[Bug] Integer overflow on large column
#112 opened by thomas-k-cameron - 5
- 9
[Bug] dependabot crossterm update broke semver?
#109 opened by joshua-mo-143 - 1
Adding summary rows after a single row divider
#104 opened by nyurik - 3
- 4
- 18
How to get formatting of 0.5.1
#90 opened by ritchie46 - 2
Remove row dividers
#89 opened by affanshahid - 1
Improve CI
#84 opened by InCogNiTo124 - 4
- 9
Comparison with other 'table' libraries
#76 opened by danieleades - 2
MSRV for v6 is Rust 1.59
#72 opened by alpha-tango-kilo - 5
Avoiding wrapping contents
#66 opened by casey - 5
- 12
- 3
Background colors
#65 opened by realtica - 3
cursive compatibility
#62 opened by realtica - 11
How to format special characters correctly?
#44 opened by PsiACE - 2
Proc macro support
#50 opened by deeprobin - 6
Tables print with middle lines
#43 opened by abreis - 2
Consider using `#![forbid(unsafe_code)]`
#42 opened by jorgecarleitao - 1
Solid inner borders modifier
#39 opened by ModProg - 2
A Table method to get each line, instead of to_string which returns just 1 line
#35 opened by dmaahs2017