
The Website for Arithmetica Bot

Primary LanguageHTML


Vite Terser LightningCSS

Source Code for arithmetica.xyz
Bot: https://github.com/NullDev/Arithmetica-Bot

📡 Stack

I'm using Vite, ESLint, SCSS, Terser, LightningCSS and HTML.

⚖️ License

Copyright (c) NullDev
All rights reserved.

The source code in this repository is for reference only.
It may not be used, copied, distributed or sold. Neither in parts, nor as a whole.

Not so TL;DR:

1. Definitions:
   "The Author" refers to the owner of this repository - NullDev / Chris.
   "The Work" refers to the website's design and style elements, including but not limited to the layout,
   color scheme, CSS styles, unique graphical elements, and overall aesthetic feel, contained in the code
   hosted at "https://github.com/NullDev/arithmetica.xyz".

2. Grant of License:
   The Author hereby grants a license to view and fork the repository for educational and non-commercial
   purposes only.

3. Restrictions:
   No individual or entity is permitted to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
   and/or sell copies or parts of the Work, or to permit persons to whom the Work is furnished to do so
   for any commercial, competitive, or public-facing purposes.
   Specifically, the unique design and style elements of the Work as defined above cannot be replicated
   or used in any other website or project, whether in whole or in part.

4. Attribution:
   Appropriate credit must be given to The Author for any educational or non-commercial use, without
   implying endorsement of the user’s work by The Author.

5. No Warranty:
   The Work is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, express or implied.

6. Limitation of Liability:
   In no event shall The Author be liable for any claim, damages, or other liability arising from,
   out of, or in connection with the Work or the use or other dealings in the Work.