Module for processing documents
This module allows you create own document's workers with few levels of customization:
- worker code
- worker instance
- document instance
All workers run under default yii2 queue
The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.
Either run
php composer.phar require --prefer-dist nullref/yii2-documents "*"
or add
"nullref/yii2-documents": "*"
to the require section of your composer.json
Then you have run console command for install this module and run migrations:
php yii module/install nullref/yii2-documents
This command will add current module to config/installed_modules.php file.
This file need be included in application config.
If you don't want to use module/install
command that you could add module to you application config manually:
'modules' => [
'documents' => [
'class' => nullref\documents\Module::class,
Than you need run
php yii modules-migrate --moduleId=documents
Also, you have install yiisoft/yii2-queue following it own manual.
After installation you need create own classes that implement export/import logic.
For example you can check demo folder.
After creating document worker you need register it in module config:
'documents' => [
'class' => nullref\documents\Module::class,
'importers' => [
// List of importer classes
'catalog' => [
'class' => \app\components\importers\CatalogImporter::class,
'exporters' => [
// List of exporter classes
'total' => [
'class' => app\components\exporters\TotalExporter::class,
Please, check docs and demo for more info.
And translations