
Uses an ESP32 and the Binance API to display values on a segment display

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Cycles between spot balance and futures balance in USDT on segment display.


  1. Copy into blank sketch
  2. Fill in requires values
    Macro / Variable Default Value Hint
    DIGIT_ON HIGH HIGH for common anode displays (invert for common cathode displays)
    DIGIT_OFF LOW LOW for common anode displays
    SEGMENT_ON LOW LOW for common anode displays
    SEGMENT_OFF HIGH HIGH for common anode displays
    DISPLAY_BRIGHTNESS 750 Time in μs to keep digit lit
    digit1 (1-4) 32, 33, 25, 26 PIN numbers to set which digit to light
    APIKEY (None) Insert your API key from Binance
    APISECRET (None) Insert your API secret from Binance
    ntpServer pool.ntp.org Change NTP server if you wish
    gmtOffset_sec 0 Seconds to offset from GMT
    daylightOffset_sec 3600 Daylight offset in seconds
    ssid (None) Insert your network SSID
    password (None) Insert your network PSK
    segA (A-G) 19, 18, 5, 17, 16, 4, 0 PIN numbers to set which segment to light
  3. Wire display to set pins and flash to ESP32


  • Only reads USDT in futures wallet
  • Only reads BTC in spot wallet