tanqueRéact is a p2p* encrypted chat client. Only the intended recipient(s) may read what you send (messages, images, etc)
* this isn't actually p2p, as there are servers involved, but it's designed to not be reliant on one server, but to utilize redundancy. The server, or 'relays', are open sourced here. The servers only relay messages, and can't decrypt anything.
The only storage is local storage, so your information is never shared with anyone.
docker-compose build
Since all the packages are managed in docker's environment, you'll need to install the linter packages on your system.
# lazy install everything technique - also helpful for IDE's ESLint
yarn install --pure-lockfile
node_modules is already in the gitignore.
note that node_modules is not required to exist, as the app makes use of the in-docker node_modules.
The host node version should match the docker version -- so nvm is recommended.
./run npm run test:watch # or just test (for C.I.)
Yarn, rather than npm.
- Caching for faster dev.
./run yarn add dep-name --dev
docker-compose build
./run yarn install --flat
forces only having one copy of a dependency.
./run yarn info webpack