
projects-2023-bpr871 created by GitHub Classroom

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

[Group: bpr871]

Group members:

  • Sissel Marie Andersen (bpr871)
  • Hjalte Bøgelund Bisgaard (lfc749)
  • Julie Skaarup Roesgaard (spr506)

This repository contains

  1. Inaugural project
    Project on household optimization of working hours and house production. We aim to replicate the findings in Siminsky and Yetsenga (2022) and extent our model with a disutility parameter on hours worked in the market for the male agent.

  2. Data project:
    Project on the correlation between industry specific automation and employment in Denmark. We utilize data on industrial robots in Denmark from the International Federation of Robotics and fetch data om relevant labor market outcomes for Denmark using the API for statistikbanken, Danmarks Statistik. First we provide some descriptive statistics on the relationsship after which we perform a parsimoneous univariate regression.

  3. Model project
    We explore the environment of imperfect competition drawing on different versions of theoretical models. The models utilized to investigate the effects of imperfect competition are:

    • Bertrand Model: Firms compete on price-setting strategies
    • Cournot Model: Firms compete on the quantity they get to supply in the market
    • Stackelberg Model: This model expands the Cournot Model in relaxing the assumption that firms act simultaneously in a static environment. Using this model we prove that the firm acting first are in an advantagous position compared to the firm acting subsequently.
  4. Exam project
    Project for exam hand-in