This is a Python code base for training "SPO Trees" (SPOTs) from the paper "Decision Trees for Decision-Making under the Predict-then-Optimize Framework".
The "Algorithms" folder contains implementations for training (greedy) SPO Trees ( and SPO Forests ( for general predict-then-optimize problems.
The "Applications" folder contains all data + code for reproducing the three numerical experiments (applications) covered in the paper:
- Illustrative Example: A two-road shortest path decision problem.
- Shortest Path: A shortest path decision problem over a 4 x 4 grid network, where driver starts in southwest corner and tries to find shortest path to northeast corner.
- Yahoo News: A news article recommendation decision problem constructed from the Yahoo! Front Page Today Module dataset.
Code currently only supports Python 2.7 (not Python 3). Package Dependencies: gurobipy (with valid Gurobi license), numpy, pandas, scipy, joblib
- The Illustrative Example application also depends on matplotlib