
An UE4 plugin for grid-based game

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Grid Plugin

An UE4 plugin for grid-based game



  • Support square and hexagon grid
  • Support multi-level grid
  • Grid-based pathfinding and movement
  • Multiple grid rendering method: Decal and Outline(XCom2-like)
  • Blueprint support
  • Editor integration
  • Customizable classes
  • PathGuide for rendering path


  • Implement IGridPawnInterface(C++) or GridPawnInterface(Blueprint) in your pawn class
  • Set pawn's default controller to AAIController or its subclass [1]
  • Add UGridNavigationComponent to your pawn [2]
  • Spawn GridManager at game startup [3]
  • Write game logic, most function you need is in GridManager

Customizable Classes

  • UGridInfo: inherit from this class to add game-specific information
  • USquarePathFinder and UHexagonPathFinder: customize pathfinding logic
  • UGridNavigationAgent: inherit from this class to implement special movement, e.g.: jump, climb and so on
  • UGridPainter: customize grid rendering [4]


  1. Clone this project to ${YourProject}/Plugins/
  2. Generate project file
  3. Compile


[1]we need it to implement default grid-based movement
[2]if you have custom UGridNavigationAgent, add it to Component's 'AgentClasses'
[3]if you have custom class, set it properly in spawn parameter
[4]Default is UGridDecalPainter which using decal component to rendering grid