
UNIX signal handling and bits manipulation project

Primary LanguageC


This project was graded 125/100.

📒 About

Compiling an running a single program is fine, but have you run 2 programs and made them communicate? Have you worked with signals? What about bits manipulation?

🚨 Disclaimer

At 42, the C projects are built following a bunch of rules that enforce good coding style. Some of them are:

- No for, do while, switch, case or goto are allowed
- No more than 25 lines per function and 5 functions per file
- No assigns and declarations in the same line (unless static)
- No more than 5 variables in 1 function

🔧 Implementation

Part File Name Functionality
Mandatory ft_printf/ Contains the files from the ft_printf project
includes/ Contains the header files needed to include
client.c The client file which is used to send the string to the server using signals
server.c The server file which is used to receive the string and handle the signals sent from the client
utils.c Contains utilitary functions developed exclusively for this project
Bonus client_bonus.c The client file which is used to send the string to the server using signals. Can also send emojis and should receive a signal at the end of the transmission
server_bonus.c The server file which is used to receive the string and handle the signals sent from the client. It sends a signal at the end of the transmission

📦 Compilation

To compile the library you can either run make or make bonus in the terminal. Both make and make bonus will compile and link all files together.

The make rule will generate 2 executables called client and server, one for each of the needed programs.

The make bonus rule will generate 2 executables called client_bonus and server_bonus, one for each of the needed programs.

To run the programs, just run the following commands, each in a different terminal:


💫 Testing

This project was tested using manual revision only.

📞 Contact me

Feel free to ask me any questions through Slack (ncarvalh).