
Moveit! package for Kinova gen3 with qbrobotics qb soft hand.

Primary LanguageCMake


  • needs to be included the updates done on kortex_ros/kortex_driver
  • TODO the controller of the qbhand on rviz
  • TODO gazebo simulator with kinova + qbhand

![kinova_qbhand] TODO - add image

  • kinova_qbhand_description : a URDF for a Kinova gen3 robot with a qbhand attached and a rigid base.
  • kinova_qbhand_moveit : a MoveIt! package to work with the robot description just defined.
  • kinova_qbhand_bringup: a package to bringup LBR iiwa and qbhand.


  • ros_kortex: ROS integration for the Kinova gen3 (6/7 dof).
  • qbhand-ros: A package contains the ROS nodes aimed to visualize and control the qbrobotics® qbhand device. Also check softhand for information
  • moveit - (moveit assistance was key to create the kinova_qbhand package)

Supported ROS Distribution

ROS Melodic (Ubuntu 18.04) and Noetic (Ubuntu 20.04). Note that in Ubuntu 20.04 it is harder to install qbhand-ros.

Test qbhand

run qbhand-ros launch file

roslaunch qb_hand_control control_qbhand.launch standalone:=true activate_on_initialization:=true device_id:=1

to close and open manually open new terminal

rostopic pub /qbhand1/control/qbhand1_synergy_trajectory_controller/command trajectory_msgs/JointTrajectory "header:
  seq: 0
    secs: 0
    nsecs: 0
  frame_id: ''
- 'qbhand1_synergy_joint'
- positions: [1]
  velocities: [0]
  accelerations: [0]
  effort: [0]
  time_from_start: {secs: 2, nsecs: 0}"

set position 1 to close completly and position 0 to open fully. Don't forget to add time in secs.

Open qbhand model with Rviz to check TFs

roslaunch qb_hand_description display_qbhand.launch


qbhand1_end_effector_link could be an interesting reference point to grasp objects


Inside kinova_qbhand_moveit the file sensor_3d.yaml has parameters on the point cloud data to set before any experiment:

  • point_cloud_topic: change to the correct depth topic
  • max_range: points further than this will not be used.
  • padding_offset: points closer than this will not be used.

padding_offset is important to change to prevent moveit to detect the qbhand has an obstacle.


After installing all the dependencies, you can:

  • Visualize in RVIZ:
roslaunch kinova_qbhand_moveit demo.launch
  • Real robot control:

Working - needs documentation