
This project was made in the Autonomous Systems course of Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon. The objective was to map and environment using a drone with a Lidar sensor, using the occupancy rid mapping algorithm.

Primary LanguageMakefile

Occupancy Grid Mapping

Install the simulator

Follow the steps in the following link (until line 8 of XTDrone Source Download)

Setup the directory:

Clone the repository:

  • git clone https://github.com/NunoVeiga99/OccupancyGridMapping.git
  • erase the build folder inside sa_project
  • cd OccupancyGridMapping/sa_project/
  • catkin_make

Source the setup.bash file

  • gedit ~/.bashrc
  • Add source ~/OccupancyGridMapping/sa_project/devel/setup.bash at the end of the file

Install gmapping

  • sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-gmapping

Run the code

In order to run the simulation:

  • Open QGroundControl
  • roslaunch px4 ogm_mapping.launch

Or run a pre recorded rosbag with:

  • roscore
  • rosbag play -l rosbag_name.sa

Then, run the mapping script with:

  • roslaunch ogm_mapping mapping.launch

How to use github

Go to the directory file with cd OccupancyGrid Mapping. To check changed files in the directory run git status. Whenever you start working with the code, make sure that you pull all changes with git pull.

If you have made changes in the code that you want to commit run the following commands:

  • git add [path to files you want to add]
  • git commit -m "Message explaining the changes"
  • git push