
This website is for the user to put his images ,view images and get link of the images

Primary LanguagePython


front page


  • Nur nure tusa

live link to website



This is a Django application which user can upload images ,view imaes and also can get link of the image

Set Up Instructions

Follow the instructions to get the project:-

Clone this repository:

Navigate into the folder and install requirements.

Install and activate Virtual.

Install Dependencies.

Setup Database.

Now Migrate. Run the application. Running the application. Testing the application.

Technologies Used

  • python3.9

  • Django

  • Html

  • bootrap

  • css

  • github


name : Nur nure tusa

Address : nairobi-kenya

phone number : +254115314390

email : nur.tusa@student.moringaschool.com

copy right

reserved to only tusa@company