Magento 2 CE Split Database to Master and Slave
- Compatible with Magento Open Source
This module provides the ability to route query from Frontend to specific MySql instance (write to master and select to slave). The module currently provides the following advantage:
- Increasing performance of Frontend Store
- Prevent MySql server from deadlock (SQLSTATE[40001]: Serialization failure: 1213 Deadlock)
You need to change your enviroment config file - env.php
- To quick disable split database and route all query to master:
bin/magento db:mode:set default
- To quick enable split database and route all query to master:
bin/magento db:mode:set split
If you not config, default connection will be used.
- Magento Open Source version
Please install this module via Composer. This module is hosted on Packagist.
composer require cdfrm/magento2-splitdb
bin/magento module:enable CodeFarm_SplitDb
bin/magento setup:upgrade
You can add log to check at: \CodeFarm\SplitDb\Adapter\Pdo\Mysql::query
use for all frontend and admin. All query after Write Query will be route to Write instance. (This will prevent latancy of Master-Slave architechture (Some performance traded here :D))