
Installing Neo4j Server (Linux)

Follow the instructions in Neo4j

Installing Neo4j Desktop

Follow the instructions in Neo4j.

  • Do note that the desktop edition is unnecessary if you have the server, but the desktop allows you to use various projects.


  • Neo4j server only contains one project instance (DBMS), so you would have to load separate databases
  • Do not run neo4j server and neo4j desktop at the same time
  • Check if server is running using sudo neo4j status


Loading a database

Load into Server

To load database into a server, load the database from a .dump file with the following command: sudo neo4j-admin database load --from-path=/path/to/dump/ <database> --overwrite-destination=true


sudo neo4j-admin database load --from-path=/home/lab716a/Downloads/ freebase-wiki --overwrite-destination=true (write a name for your database instead of freebase_wiki and --from-path to its location)

Add the Database

Add the database into the config file for neo4j with the following command: sudo vim /etc/neo4j/neo4j.conf

change this line (below)

initial.dbms.default_database=freebase-wiki (write a name for your database instead of freebase_wiki)

by default neo4j server will run neo4j database


Neo4j Commands

Start Neo4j

The following command will start the server if it is not running.

sudo neo4j start

Stop Neo4j

The following command will stop the server if it is running.

sudo neo4j stop

Check Neo4j Server Status

The following command will tell you if the server is running or not:

sudo neo4j status

See all database info

sudo neo4j-admin database info

If you have loaded the database using previous command the name of the database should appear in the list

Visualize Neo4j in the Server

After starting neo4j, open the browser with the following command


where <server-port> is the designed port by neo4j.

Visualize Neo4j in your Local PC

From ssh terminal, run the following command:

ssh <server-name> -L <server-port>:localhost:<server-port> -L <computer-port>:localhost:<computer-port>

where <server-name> is refers the connection name to the computer running the server, <server-port> the port number neo4j is hosting the graph, by default it is 7474, and <computer-port> your desired local port.


ssh lab-server -L 7474:localhost:7474 -L 7687:localhost:7687

and then follow command as before