
Configuration <= cmd line params + ini files

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Software Tools Factory - ConfigLIB


  • Windows


  • master - Read only - Most stable version / Linear history
  • devel - Read only - Root for development / Linear history



Dir struct

|- bin 
|  `- <platform><architecture>_<configuration>
|- include
|- sandbox
|- src
`- tmp
   `- <platform><architecture>_<configuration>
      ` - <project_name>

bin - lib/exe and pdb files end up here colected per platform
include - library public include files
sandbox - code for test and develop (may contain local headers)
src - libaray source code (may contain local/private headers)
tmp - intermediete files, that are created in process of compilation organized per platform

Personaly I find such structure easy to manage, cross platform and obvius to any one who see it for first time.

.vcxproj config

To make this repo submodule ready prjects are configured with assumption that main project solution file will be located in root folder of project.

  • bin/lib/tmp is writen relative to $(SolutionDir)
  • additional include files are relative to $(ProjectDir)

This way, after adding project as submodule structure of directories will look like this:

|- bin 
|  `- <platform><architecture>_<configuration>
|- @stf_configlib
|  `- include
|  |- sandbox
|  `- src
`- tmp
   `- <platform><architecture>_<configuration>
      ` - <project_name>