
Fixes several issues and adds more options to the Bootstrap version of

Issues Fixed:

  • input element value is correctly being set after selecting time
  • am/pm is correctly being fetched from input value upon showing of the clock
  • am/pm buttons, when clicked, toggle a selected class called "clockpicker-button-on" (set style properties in your own CSS)
  • when clockpicker is in a modal, and the modal is scrolled, the clockpicker repositions correctly

Added Options:

  • leadingZeroHours: whether to add a preceding zero to the hour when it is less than 10 - also applies to parsing pre-filled input value
  • upperCaseAmPm: whether to make the am/pm uppercase - also applies to parsing pre-filled input value
  • leadingSpaceAmPm: whether to insert a space between the time and the am/pm - also applies to parsing pre-filled input value
  • afterMinuteSelect: function to call after minute is selected
  • afterAmPmSelect: function to call after am/pm is selected

Added Internal Functions

  • realtimeDone: call this method to update the input with the current time on the block (useful with event hooks to provide a real-time updating experience)

Use Example:

   donetext: 'Done',
   twelvehour: true,
   autoclose: false,
   leadingZeroHours: false,
   upperCaseAmPm: true,
   leadingSpaceAmPm: true,
   afterHourSelect: function() {
   afterMinuteSelect: function() {
   afterAmPmSelect: function() {

For the rest of the documentation, refer to original project: