Microsoft Rewards Bot

This is a simple selenium-based python script to crawl the Microsoft Rewards program for points. See this blogpost for more info:


Either create a virtual environment with the needed dependencies through poetry:

$ poetry install

or build a docker container from the provided Dockerfile:

# docker build -t msrewards .


The script needs to know your E-Mail and Password for Microsoft rewards (Automatic 2FA is not supported). You can provide this information through the environment variables REWARDS_ACC_EMAIL and REWARDS_ACC_PASS


Either run the main script directly through poetry:

REWARDS_ACC_EMAIL=ex@amp.le REWARDS_ACC_PASS=supersecret poetry run python3 ./src/

or start the docker container:

# docker run -e REWARDS_ACC_EMAIL=ex@amp.le -e REWARDS_ACC_PASS=supersecret