
A resource pack for Minecraft. Emphasis on more realistic looking textures that stay true to the basic Minecraft look and feel.



A resource pack for Minecraft. Emphasis on more realistic looking textures that stay true to the basic Minecraft look and feel.

As this is my first texture pack, I would appreciate any critism or helpful artistic advice you might have to offer. My style and skills have developed a lot during this project but I'm sure there are things I should have done differently. I would appreciate your constructive advice, so please don't keep it to yourself. All the textures were created using Adobe PS4 clips from my own photography or free use or creative commons works I've found on the internet. (To the best of my knowledge.)


  • Blocks 100%
  • Colormap NA
  • Entity 95% (of planned)
  • Environment 50%
  • Font 100%
  • GUI NA
  • Items 50%
  • Map NA
  • Misc NA
  • Models (armor) 100%
  • Painting 100%
  • Particles 100%

Texture groups marked as NA I have no plans to add to the resource pack at this time. This includes all mobs and animals (entities). I may come back and add items later as feature enhancements. At this time work is primarily being focused towards completing items. I'll then be focusing on completeing other outstanding elements and tweaking a few of the elements that I'm still unsatisfied with.