
Connecting people through music

Primary LanguageJava


Build Status

How To Contribute

The master branch is protected. This means that you cannot directly push to the master branch. Instead, use the box above to create a new branch (for example: fix-registration-form). Once you have submitted your code to the branch, and your feature/fix is complete, sumbit a PR. GitHub will show you if you need to change anything before you merge.

Code documentation is available at https://nvibe.github.io/Envibe.

Environment Info

For minimal issues, try to get your dev environment as close as possible to this list

  • Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic (64-bit)
  • OpenJDK Java 1.8.0 build 251
  • Maven 3
  • Redis 5.0.8

Environment Variables

Project may crash without these defined

  • JDBC_DATABASE_URL Defines the PostgreSQL username, password, URI, and database to use.
  • REDIS_URL Defines the Redis username, password, URI, and database to use.

Default Accounts

By default, the following users are created for testing purposes.

Username Email Password Internal Role
admin admin@example.com envibe ROLE_ADMIN
listener listener@example.com envibe ROLE_USER
artist artist@example.com envibe ROLE_USER

As of right now, the friends functionality is missing from the codebase. Anytime you create a post, only the listener account will be able to see it. (Essentially, listener is a permanent follower of the other two accounts).

Basic Commands

  • mvnw spring-boot:run Runs server locally.
  • mvnw clean package Builds JAR file, rarely needed.
  • mvnw flyway:migrate Updates the schema of your local PostgreSQL database (done automatically on bootup).
  • mvnw test Runs unit test suite (Requires JUnit).
  • mvn javadoc:javadoc Compiles HTML documentation site under ./target/site/apidocs.

How To Use H2

Instead of messing around with PostgreSQL, you can run an in-memory database for testing purposes.

  1. Within your IDE, set the environment variable JDBC_DATABASE_URL to jdbc:h2:mem:test_db.
  2. Every time you start the webapp, it will create a temporary database in memory that your application will use. The database will be deleted every time you close the webapp.

How to set up Redis

This application requires Redis for cross-thread communication. You can install it in one of three ways.

  • Install the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) (Windows 10 version 2004 only).
  • Install a non-supported build of Redis for Windows.
  • In a Linux VM.

If you chose option 1 or 3, you will need to run sudo apt install redis-server -y before you continue.

  1. Turn protected mode off by running sudo nano /etc/redis/redis.conf
  2. Start the Redis service with sudo service redis-server start
  3. In your IDE, set the environment variable REDIS_URL to redis://

When you are done, and don't want Redis running in the background, stop it with sudo service redis-server stop

How To Update The Database

This project uses Flyway to manage database schemas. To change how the database is set up, create a migration.

  1. Go to /src/main/resources/db/migration
  2. Create a SQL file with the format VX__Useful_Name_Here.sql. Note that the filename MUST start with a capital V, followed by a number higher than any of the other files in the /migration folder(e.g. V1, V2, V3...). After VX, there should be TWO underscores(__).
  3. Insert your SQL code into the file you just created.
  4. Ensure that the environment variable JDBC_DATABASE_URL is defined and is a valid JDBC URI to a running instance of PostgreSQL.
  5. From the project root, run ./mvnw flyway:migrate. The database schema will be updated automatically.

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