Name of App: ToDue

CodePath WEB103 Final Project

Designed and developed by: Dang Nguyen Nguyen & Eric Liu

🔗 Link to deployed app:


An Todo List/Calendar Web app that allows user to share todo goals with their friends. Who complete more goals in the week will receive more scores -> create competition.

Description and Purpose

  • User can log in and view their progress + score
  • User can CRUD goals (One-to-Many)
  • User can share a goal with many friends (Many-to-many ?)
  • Weekly leaderboard
  • passportJS for authentication

Custom features

  • Sort by names(alpha order), sort by currently added friends
  • Create a new goal (charka modal)


  • Help people achieve their goals while having fun with friends.


NotionAI + Apple Watch Competition

Tech Stack

Frontend: React

Backend: Node.js. Express.js. PostgreSQL


ToDuel ROOM with friend

Invite Friend(s) to a private room to compete on same goals

[gif goes here]

Daily, weekly, monthly competition

You can choose between daily, weekly, monthly competition with your friend and whoever complete more goals will receive more scores.

[gif goes here]

Global Leaderboard

A global leaderboard showing who has completed the most goals out of everyone on the entire app

[gif goes here]

[ADDITIONAL FEATURES GO HERE - ADD ALL FEATURES HERE IN THE FORMAT ABOVE; you will check these off and add gifs as you complete them]

Installation Instructions

Login on web