
Ability to use multiple VPNs from the same command with little config, only uses OpenVPN for now.

Primary LanguagePython


Ability to use multiple VPNs from the same command with little config, only uses OpenVPN for now.


  • clone the repo with git clone https://github.com/NxtDaemon/Multi-VPN
  • you should run the setup.py first passing all VPN files to it with relative or absolute paths
  • syntax : sudo python3 setup.py file1.ovpn file2.ovpn
  • it is advised to add the path to the OpenVPN binary with a NOPASSWD e.g
  • add the following to your /etc/sudoers file [ $(whoami) ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: $(which openvpn)]
  • Once this is done you can run the VPN.py file without sudo

Using VPN.py

Simply run the file ensuring you have completed prior steps with the following python3 VPN.py. However if like me you wish to type less add alias vpn="python3 $(location of VPN.py) to your ~/.zsh_aliases file or equivalent for other shells


This project is now done to the standard I want it to be and dont see anything interesting or good I could futher changes within it
should you think of anything please do contact me and i'll implement it at https://nxtdaemon.xyz/contact