
Online Exam: Sample web application with Java8, Spring Boot, H2, Thymeleaf

Primary LanguageJava


  • quiz app
  • run locally or with docker-compose
  • tests are run with h2 database
  • app uses sql database (local or in docker)

General info

Java 8
Scripts: /src/main/resources/*.sql
Spring settings: /src/main/resources/*.properties
Accounts: user = Nick, password = Nack
Default port: 8080

Run locally


mvn clean install


mvn clean test -Dspring.profiles.active=test


  • create local database named "quiz" on port 3306
  • create user "databaseUser" with password "userPassword"
  • grant user "databaseUser" access on database "quiz"
    • login via command line or terminal with your mysql root user:
      mysql -h -P 3306 -u root -p
    • grant all privileges to "databaseUser" on database "quiz':
      GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON quiz.* TO 'databaseUser'@'localhost';
  • Run : mvn spring-boot:run
  • insert sample data in quiz database:
    • connect to "quiz" database on localhost:3306
    • open a new sql script and type: "use quiz;"
    • copy content of data-h2.sql
    • paste content in the sql script and run the script
    • your sample data has now been add
  • navigate to localhost:8080 and login with user "Nick", password "Nack"

Run with docker-compose

  • Install docker
  • in base directory /quiz-app/ run: docker-compose -f docker-compose-template.yml up -d
  • navigate to localhost:3002 (phpmyadmin) and login with user: "databaseUser", password: "userPassword"
  • go to the SQL tab, copy content of data-h2.sql and press GO
    • you have just initialized the database with some sample questions
  • navigate to localhost:8080 and login with user "Nick", password "Nack"


Currently running with docker-compose does not work on a amazon linux instance due to a docker network problem.