Pinned Repositories
This web application stores contact information for our friends and acquaintances.
A bank landing page for those wishing to make and monitor their withdrawals and deposits.
Goal: Continue to practice writing JavaScript functions by beginning the business logic for a calculator app. Eventually, we'll add user interface logic too, and familiarize ourselves with the differences between code for each, and how to keep them separated and organized.
My high school has apparently started an after-school computer club and they need my help! The club is finishing a course on JavaScript and they need a quiz for students to take at the end. Here is a multiple choice questionnaire where users can assess one's own knowledge of JavaScript in tribute to my purported school.
A repository to practice fixing indentation, spacing and HTML tag placement.
Just to prove that the nickname of the
This project demonstrates forking to Moringa Prep students
Hello-World.html Page/Intro/etc
My own repository for forking a cookie.
Proposal project for the improvement of LinkCoffee website.
Nya-KE's Repositories
This web application stores contact information for our friends and acquaintances.
A bank landing page for those wishing to make and monitor their withdrawals and deposits.
Goal: Continue to practice writing JavaScript functions by beginning the business logic for a calculator app. Eventually, we'll add user interface logic too, and familiarize ourselves with the differences between code for each, and how to keep them separated and organized.
My high school has apparently started an after-school computer club and they need my help! The club is finishing a course on JavaScript and they need a quiz for students to take at the end. Here is a multiple choice questionnaire where users can assess one's own knowledge of JavaScript in tribute to my purported school.
A repository to practice fixing indentation, spacing and HTML tag placement.
Just to prove that the nickname of the
This project demonstrates forking to Moringa Prep students
Hello-World.html Page/Intro/etc
My own repository for forking a cookie.
Proposal project for the improvement of LinkCoffee website.
This page prompts users to fill out a list of nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc., and then copy them onto another piece of paper that contains a story, missing the crucial words provided. The idea is to pick bizarre words without knowing what the story is, and then once the words are filled in, the results can be hilarious.
A web page that allows the user to input the lengths of the sides of a triangle, and returns whether these sides form an equilateral, isosceles, or scalene triangle or if the sides cannot make a triangle at all.
Mtandao yangu ya kwanza! Asante Moringa!
Similar to the popularised 'Pig Dice' game, users shall roll a virtual die to receive a 'randomised' number result. The result of each subsequent roll shall be added to or deducted from a cumulative score. The first score to build up to a set threshold shall be declared winner. <br> The penultimate demonstration of my learnings at Moringa school. Once again, I declare: The end is nigh, sigh.<br> It may potentially incorporate the story board of two pigs debating over which gets killed and include interactive features emphasizing upon the same e.g pig squeal sound as winner is declared, whilst loser player partition declares bloodied pig.
Creation of a Pig Latin translator or should we say an "igPay atinLay anslatorTray"? Using the following guidelines: 1) For words beginning with a vowel, add "ay" to the end. 2) For words beginning with one or more consonants, move all of the first consecutive consonants to the end, and add "ay".
A website where you can keep track of all the places you've been. Each destination should be an object with multiple properties, like location, landmarks, time of year, notes, etc. Properties are displayed when a user clicks on a place's name.
A portfolio of Nyakio Mburu's cumulative experience, interests and projects. Dive into a predominantly #4CA6A6 section of the internet to find more about this narcissistic mademoiselle.